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Sperm leakage after sex? Experiences?

42 replies

ttcchapter1 · 04/05/2020 04:01

Does anyone have sperm leaking after sex, I’ve googled it to the ends of the earth and apparently it doesn’t affect fertility and conception but wanted to know your experiences?

OP posts:
Elouera · 05/05/2020 06:28

@ttcchapter1- I'm unsure if you are feeling particularly sensitive, but I never said anything sarky, malicious or to be offence! I actually gave practical advice! I have never mentioned semen leakage to friends or GP- it would never have occurred to me TBH, so I wondered who you think we all have discussed it with?

I also never said it was a stupid question. I too used to prop my hips up on a pillow for 10min after DD, and as someone already mentioned, some people use a cap inside or a mooncup. At my multiple consultant visits, in 3 countries, they have NEVER sighted semen leakage as a fertility issue or something to be concerned about. Best of luck.

Palavah · 05/05/2020 06:44

There are plenty of threads on MN where posters have jumped on the OP and been nasty. This isn't one of them. Lighten up!

Imstillskanking · 05/05/2020 07:00

It’s a place to share info and concerns not to be a bunch of haters.

Are we talking about the same forum? Lol...

Seriously though, I have read studies about this before and apparently there is no evidence that the "leakage" thing has any effect on conception. That doesn't mean that it's not possible though. If you're worried about it then I would just do as others have suggested and tilt your pelvis up in the air for a while after it's all over. That way you're keeping everything in the right place. I used to do this when we were TTC. I think it probably made bugger all difference but you never know... I am now a mother so there could be something in it!

ohgodhelpme · 05/05/2020 08:12

Not been a problem for me. My boyfriend has quite a small penis so a lot does come out with me and I'm pregnant, got pregnant easily too.

paintfairy · 05/05/2020 09:29

😂 This did make me laugh. Probably for the wrong reasons, because I do have a sense of humor.

I've found it varies. If you'r cervix is closed then more bounces straight out. Otherwise I don't get too much coming out at all. But with other partners I have done before, so I always assumed it was due to quantity.

Ihopeyourcakeisshit · 05/05/2020 09:42

Sorry you are struggling OP but the responses are light hearted not malicious, you need to try and retain some sense of humour throughout this.
Best of luck to you.

Juno231 · 05/05/2020 10:23

It leaks for everyone, it's part and parcel of DTD (and gravity!). If it does for everyone then it's safe to say it doesn't affect fertility.

Solomon1212 · 05/05/2020 11:04

All semen includes 'lubrication' which is just fluid. Sperm itself is forced up near the cervix on ejaculation and it actually goes thicker to help the sperm swim through the cervix. Trick is to lay there for a bit. I find it stays in better if i lay on my side after. The majority of fluid that comes out after doesnt usually contain sperm as its more of pre cum. Xx

Bunny2006 · 05/05/2020 16:12

I've wondered this, not a lot I haven't wondered after TTC for years!! But never thought of it be an issue. For me, I get a lot of leakage but the amount doesn't vary noticeably. I try stay with hips elevated or at least knees to chest (very attractive!!) for as close to 10 mins, but find either way whether I do or don't there's usually what appears to be the same amount. I've always thought it's just fluid rather than a large amount of sperm. Best of luck with your TTC :)

louise3393 · 05/05/2020 16:29

I just happened to stumble across a fertilisation video on YouTube the other day and it actually said that a male ejaculates 300 million sperm and half make it and the rest don't which is what comes back out! It happens to me a lot and I have a 3 year old son so I don't think it has any impact on conception in that way. Xx

Lollypop701 · 05/05/2020 21:38

Depends where it's leaking from I guess?

I would say ring your doctor if it’s coming out out your nose

🤣🤣🤣 funny comment

Op, you’ve not asked a stupid question.
Pillow under bum 10 minutes if you are concerned, I believe. Good luck

Katie1240 · 04/01/2021 18:19

1990shopefulftml-when you say sometimes-when it didn’t was there nothing at all coming out?

PegLegTrev · 04/01/2021 18:20

Doesn’t everyone have to plug it with loo roll before going to mop themselves up? Otherwise there’s a wet patch Confused

Tish008 · 04/01/2021 18:30


This is normal surely? It’s not like the semen just disappears up your vagina forever unless you’ve got the Bermuda Triangle shoved up there and you’re not telling us? It might be a good idea to keep yourself at an angle until your cervix has finished ‘lapping’ (not idea what’s the correct term is) but after that I doubt there’s any benefit in trying to keep it in.

rosegoldivy · 04/01/2021 18:31

I know this is a dead thread but it really makes me laugh.

The first month we tried for DD I joked with DH and said I would have to get my legs upside down as gravity was renowned to help... so after sex swiveled round 180 degrees and put my legs up on the headboard.... More for the comical effect.....

Anyway she's 18months now 😂😂

firsttimemummy321 · 04/01/2021 19:29

Happens here and have a little boy we were lucky and both cycles we tried we conceived so it should affect it but if you're at all worried just prop a pillow under your bum while lying down then any that can get in will :)

firsttimemummy321 · 04/01/2021 19:30

Just realised when the original post was 🙈

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