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26 replies

Swife · 05/01/2020 22:20

Normal cycle 28-29 days. 20 cycle this time with a 3 day period. LH test starting cd7 with peak results. I spotted CD18-19. Today is 7 days till period(if I’m sticking to my 28-29 norm) tested LH yesterday on cd22 resulting in higher peak than the first one on cd7. All cheapie hpt are negative. So confused. Also taking Leterzole cd3-7 to induce ovulation and progesterone cd13-25 since I tested low. This is my first time using LH Testing.

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Swife · 19/02/2020 05:22

@crazychemist sry I haven't been here in a minute. How is you journey coming. Welp... I'm out this month 🥺. Af just started. But my OB did say that once I got backstage I track my cycle would took so far she was right.

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crazychemist · 31/01/2020 07:42

Got a cancellation one week sooner.... one week less to wait I suppose! Still seems like a long way off. Very busy at work, so maybe it’ll pass quickly.

Good luck with this cycle, hope the diet and exercise do the trick for the endo

Swife · 28/01/2020 23:28

@crazychemist I hope someone cancels so you can be in sooner. I think you're taking a good approach by keeping things normal until you see the doc. Being less stressed is key to not going crazy with worry.

As for me, things are as smooth as their going to be. My period did start on the 23(cd40!). This is the longest one since my June loss. I usually have only 4 day period but now I'm on day 6. I'm told that's normal for endo and since my labs came back normal my doc just said go back on my Endometriosis diet and back to my fitness plan. Hopefully this month has been a reset.

Let's keep each other posted. Thanks for your support and encouragement 🥰

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crazychemist · 28/01/2020 12:20

Hope this cycle is going smoothly so far, @Swife. I don’t have an appointment with my doctor until the end of Feb as they are crazily busy at the moment, but the receptionist suggested I keep phoning back and asking if a cancellation has come up. Doesn’t seem likely, so I’m working on this assumption that I carry on as normal for this cycle and keep my fingers crossed that I see my doctor in time for the start of the next one.

Swife · 23/01/2020 20:26

Well... my wait is over! I started my cycle today!😆 There's reasons I'm excited. First, we can start a new month with more info then the previous month. I also found that the two apps I use for the OPKs ( my first time) are very accurate with only a 1 day difference. That's great because it makes tracking so much easier.

I hope everyone is moving forward in their journey.

@crazychemist, what did your doc say when you called?

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GaaaaarlicBread · 22/01/2020 08:07

I’m so sorry I didn’t read your update after your OP . I didn’t realise you’d had MC , Ectopic etc . Really sorry I probably sound really awful now. All the best and I hope you get your positive soon,I should’ve read the whole thread first x

crazychemist · 21/01/2020 08:42

@itsemily I know what you mean, and I know you mean it kindly. But there are many situations where that won’t help. I wouldn’t be considering a doctor if I hadn’t tried that already - I wasn’t at all stressed for the first year. I started tracking at 18 months. It’s given me information that may be helpful for the doctor I.e. that my luteal phase is extremely short.

GaaaaarlicBread · 21/01/2020 07:57

I got into such a faff doing tracking with LH strips etc that it really got me down . My husband was confused by how my cycles were (very similar to yours), so in November we just said ‘screw it’ and put all my LH strips , any kind of tracking away and just DTD from the last day of my period up until my next period arrived. It didn’t arrive , and I tested two days before Christmas and I was pregnant . Currently 8 weeks. I highly recommend just not tracking , temping etc and go with the flow . It’s so much easier and you’ll feel less stressed . My Dr said it’s the best way too. Good luck xx

crazychemist · 21/01/2020 07:53

Going to phone the doctor tomorrow. Luteal phase only 8 days long last cycle. Ah well.

Swife · 16/01/2020 15:54

@crazychemist yes, I'm glad that things are not bad like I thought. I just need to get back into the healthy swing of things. Hope we land next month. I have surgery on my knees in March and quite as kept, I'm really not looking forward to it. I'd rather be prego☺️.

Sending baby dust that it's your month, however, if it's not, Do have a checkup. It is very nerve wrecking, I know, with all the thoughts that can get in your head, it can cause great anxiety. But, here's the thing, it's way worse not knowing. And better to know just in case solutions can be immediate. I'm sending good vibes that all's well 🧚🏽‍♀️😘

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crazychemist · 16/01/2020 07:50

Ok, so hormones looking good, ovulation definitely happening and uterus looking good - that sounds very promising for you! Fingers crossed you catch soon.

Finding the tww very long this time. Not looking forward to getting the ball rolling with the doctor, which is what we agreed we’d do this cycle if still no luck.

Swife · 15/01/2020 18:58

Got some good news today. I had my sonogram done and, hooray!, my uterus is PERFECT! And I am, in fact, ovulating. I still need to schedule the colonoscopy but I'm good and just waiting for my AF to arrive so we can start again.
My doc feels like I went wonky because, in my depression from the last loss, I went off track with keeping my Endometriosis diet so this is a flare. I'm getting back on track TODAY!

I hope everyone one else is doing well in their journey as well.

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crazychemist · 14/01/2020 21:59

Currently in 2WW. Going to go to the doc if we have no luck this time. I have a short luteal phase, so suspect that’s the problem.

Swife · 14/01/2020 19:06

@crazychemist how's things on your end?

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Swife · 14/01/2020 19:06

@crazychemist I'm glad for the news, sad there's no babe, and overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions 😜😔. Now I'm just wait for AF to show so we can get going. Thank goodness our BD times aren't stressful. I look forward to that 😊😁

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crazychemist · 14/01/2020 17:32

Sorry to hear you’re not pregnant. Hopefully levels of everything being correct is good news for going forward with ttc

Swife · 14/01/2020 16:41

UPDATE: I spoke with my OBGYN this morning. My Progesterone level is 24(she said it's in normal range and that if it was lower than 20 it would be a problem). I just read the my range is also normal if I just ovulate which would make since according to my crazy OPKS(it gave me two peaks).
According to the blood test, I'm not pregnant 😕.
All my other levels are good. She still wants me to take 400mg if Progesterone daily and to up my vitamin D3 from 10,000 to 15,000 for 3 months.
My pain is most likely Endometriosis pain. I have a sonogram tomorrow to look for any issues. Still must schedule a colonoscopy 😒.
Praying everyone else has good news 🤞🏽

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crazychemist · 13/01/2020 07:50

Fingers crossed! Hope the progesterone doesn’t the trick

Swife · 12/01/2020 18:05

Update: sent a message to my OBGYN and going off of my pregnancy history and following my normal cycle of 28-29 days, I'm technically late.
I have to go in tomorrow and get a blood pregnancy test, then another one on Wednesday and then a sonogram on Thursday. I also have to take 200mg of progesterone vaginally, every 8 hrs until we figure out if I'm pregnant or not.

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Swife · 11/01/2020 16:11

@crazychemist I've been doing research on the OvuSense and I love all it has to offer. I'm trying to get DH to get it while it's on sale. Hopefully we don't need it yet but I'm willing to try anything at this stage

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crazychemist · 11/01/2020 16:03

Fingers crossed that you get a BFP. If you don’t, and want to continue TTC, can I recommend Ovusense for temperature charting? It’s an internal thermometer you wear overnight, and it still gives accurate readings if your sleep is disrupted as long as in total you get more than about 4 hours. It’s expensive though, so depends how much you think it is worth to know when you ovulate.

Swife · 11/01/2020 14:13

I'm now just waiting to see if my period is coming or not. Since my cycles have been wonky these past two cycles, all my apps are all over the place with predictions 😒. Based on that, one app says I'm two days late. Another one has me starting today (their following a 27-29 day cycle) and then since I had a 2nd, higher LH peak on cd22, my testing apps say I'm not to see my cycle until the 23rd! THAT'S 39-40 days!!! I've NEVER had a cycle that long! I tested with cheapies yesterday and it still is a BFN so I'm not gonna drive myself crazy. Now I'm just playing the 'Pregnant or Period' game 🤔.

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Swife · 06/01/2020 17:22

@crazychemist, I had been temping for 3 months, but it got so hard as I'm an insomniac and my sleep schedule is sometimes crappy so I didn't feel like I could trust it but it I have to say it worked in predicting when I would start my period. I may go back to it if I'm out this month. I'm also wondering about menopause 😕. I'm almost ready to throw in the towel 😒

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crazychemist · 06/01/2020 17:04

If you have more than one LH surge per cycle (I do sometimes) then I’d strongly suggest temperature charting as then you will know when you have ACTUALLY ovulated. I know that doesn’t give you advanced notice of ovulation, but then you do have confirmation when it occurs and can take a break from BDing!

Swife · 06/01/2020 16:57

@crazychemist I'm not with a specialist. Just a good OB. No true confirmed ovulation. Also, I might mention I've had, since age 22, 2 ectopics on each side resulting in a tube removal, and 2 MC. The last one in June after I stopped Endometriosis meds. And I just turned 39 on the 2nd of this month. These are the reasons why I'm on those meds. My hormones were off so I also have to take vitamin e vaginally. I have pics but the site won't let me post them😕. Nov. cycle was 20 days and I bled 3 days from Dec. 14-16, then spotted(no clots) on CD18-19. My cycles are normally from 28-29 days. Going by that I should be starting maybe the 9-11 of this month. Yesterday and the day before I had, what I thought was period pain, but no cycle. All my cheapies keep saying BFN and we've been BD, consistently, since cd8 when I got my first LH peak. Got a higher peak two days ago. I'm not sure if I'm out this month or not 😔.

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