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Evap/indent or bfp? Frer...

14 replies

isitaline97 · 02/12/2019 17:20

As the title says really! Not sure of dpo - anywhere from 5 dpo (way to early) to around 8dpo as not tracking. Please let me know what you think tia ☺️ - also took out of case as its so shiny I couldn't get a good pic!

Evap/indent or bfp? Frer...
Evap/indent or bfp? Frer...
Evap/indent or bfp? Frer...
OP posts:
isitaline97 · 05/12/2019 16:05

@AnxiousAnnie86 which test? I haven't tested since but may do on Saturday! I think the Asda cheapie is an indent tho as I've heard some horror stories off others 😩

OP posts:
AnxiousAnnie86 · 05/12/2019 12:57

Any joy? I got the same yest day xx

CAG12 · 03/12/2019 16:55

I cant see anything on your tests but 5-8dpo is so early. Leave it until the weekend then you'll get a better idea

isitaline97 · 03/12/2019 16:21

@R2D2abc so sorry it took you so long but glad you got your bfps eventually 💖 I agree I feel like when I start testing I can't stop but some mo tha I just don't bother and the wait is much easier! Thankyou for your kind words 😊

OP posts:
R2D2abc · 03/12/2019 13:50

When trying to conceive my first I did test when AF was due or a couple of days earlier. The time I actually was pregnant I didn't test until AF was missed by 1 week due to not wanting a disappointment and didn't want to spend any more money if not pregnant.

The other times I was pregnant I tested when AF was missed as it took me so long to get pregnant again and just taught will never happen again.

I understand how difficult it is to wait to see if pregnant until AF is missing but personally I found it was way less anxious for me to wait and not think about it.

isitaline97 · 03/12/2019 12:51

@R2D2abc Thankyou for the advice, I need to chill out 😂

OP posts:
R2D2abc · 03/12/2019 12:46

I would wait a couple of days at least. I can see faint lines in all your tests. For me wilkos were like negative when first response would test positive, might depend on people.

isitaline97 · 03/12/2019 12:43

Thankyou both, I need to stop stressing but I am a poas addict😂 ooh I've never thought to try wilkos will get myself some Thankyou :)

OP posts:
Turt · 03/12/2019 12:39

Try a Wilkos cheapie, that was great for me and gave me a strong line instantly.

Babyg1995 · 03/12/2019 12:37

I can't see anything I would wait until your late then test with a digital no confusion then.

isitaline97 · 03/12/2019 12:33

Today's Asda cheapie 🤔

Evap/indent or bfp? Frer...
OP posts:
isitaline97 · 02/12/2019 17:27

Thankyou for taking a look and your quick replies ladies! It did not appear after three mins from what I could see but did appear before the 10 min mark (probably around 6 or 7 min) it's so hard to tell whether it has colour tho!

OP posts:
Lizziejayne13 · 02/12/2019 17:24

I see a line :)

Sexnotgender · 02/12/2019 17:22

Did it come up within the time?

I see something but taking it out the case isn’t ideal.

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