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Got very upset!

46 replies

Soph73 · 19/06/2007 12:31

Don´t quite know where to post this but need a bit of a rant. DH and I have a friend whose baby is due in 9 weeks and we saw her at the weekend. She knows that she is expecting a girl and I just casually asked whether she had a name for her yet. She said yes and she´s going to call her Emily. I nearly passed out because that´s exactly what I wanted to call a little girl if and when we have one (it was my grandmother's name). I had to put a brave face on because no-one knows we're ttc (apart from the lovely ladies on MN ) That evening, had a few too many and completely broke down in front of DH. Am I being incredibly stupid or has anyone else been through this?

OP posts:
bundle · 19/06/2007 13:44

there are so many emilys, what about emilia?

MuminBrum · 19/06/2007 14:00

Look at these statistics . Emily has been in the top 5 girls' names in the UK for the last 5 years. There will be half a dozen Emilys in your friend's daughter's class. I can't see any reason why you shouldn't plan to name your daughter Emily if you want to!

MuminBrum · 19/06/2007 14:02

Oops, sorry, only read OP and didn't get to Curmudgeonlett's post! But can I ask, OP, wouldn't knowing that a name is very, very common at the moment put you off using it?

Soph73 · 19/06/2007 14:40

MuminBrum - no, I wouldn´t be put off using it because we don´t live in England so it´s an unusual name here

Bundle - Emilia is nice

Hayls & Aloha -

OP posts:
MuminBrum · 19/06/2007 14:52

But what about when she comes back to the UK for university and realises that every other girl her age is called Emily?!

Soph73 · 19/06/2007 15:02

True .... right, that´s settled then, time to take a good look at the list of girls names and maybe think of another Thanks for all your posts I´m a lot more rational now

OP posts:
HumphreysCorner · 19/06/2007 15:16

My close friend knew she was having a girl and told me she was going to call her Sophie. This was my choice while TTC No 2 after a MC. Had to start thinking of other names then when her baby was born she called her something completely different so was able to use Sophie.

However, I have always wanted to call a boy Matthew so even if any of my friends choose this I will more than likely still use it if I ever have a boy.

Wishing you lots of luck.


MuminBrum · 19/06/2007 15:36

Hurrah, so glad you're feeling better. And there are so many pretty names out there. Here are three off my list which you will probably hate!
Celeste (I also like Celestine)

Soph73 · 20/06/2007 09:24

MuminBrum - where did Calisto come from?
HumphreysCorner - I think Sophie is a fantastic name (seeing as I´m Sophie too (obviously) )

OP posts:
jetjets · 20/06/2007 10:40

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jetjets · 20/06/2007 10:41

Message withdrawn

Soph73 · 20/06/2007 11:24

Yep, I definitely feel all of those things now but that´s why it´s nice to have MN where you can rant about stupid things like this and then pull yourself together I´ve now got the name Millie stuck in my head, but I know that dh will absolutely hate it

OP posts:
scorpio1 · 20/06/2007 11:26

Maisie? another of my faves!

Soph73 · 20/06/2007 11:30

Oh no, definitely not, we´ve got work colleagues with a dog called Maisie and as lovely as the dog is I can´t really see dh agreeing to that one (lol ) )

OP posts:
Soph73 · 20/06/2007 11:31

Although I do agree it´s a lovely name.

OP posts:
scorpio1 · 20/06/2007 11:32

oh, its ok you havent offended me!

I want to call my baby Jasper and my df says its a dogs name! good job i love her

MuminBrum · 21/06/2007 09:41

Calisto or Callisto is a figure in Greek mythology; she was one of Zeus' "love interests". The name is derived from the Greek for "the most beautiful".

Soph73 · 21/06/2007 10:25

Ahh, that´s lovely.

OP posts:
MuminBrum · 21/06/2007 10:55

it it lovely, isn't it? I am so hoping that I can persuade either a RL or MN mate to use it as my babymaking days are over and I would hate to waste it on a cat!

anniemac · 21/06/2007 13:52

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Soph73 · 21/06/2007 14:56

Hi anniemac - yep, this ttc lark is all highly annoying sometimes Like you said, the smallest things can upset me at the moment and sometimes I want to shout at the top of my voice "I´m ttc so don´t say anything stupid and bear with me" Bonkers!

Muminbrum - yes it would be nice if someone used that name Would definitely be wasted on a cat

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