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Is this an evap?

24 replies

SpongeCake23 · 11/02/2018 10:51

Took with FMU. I'm 9 days late for AF.

Is this an evap?
Is this an evap?
OP posts:
Keepingupwiththejonesys · 12/02/2018 21:20

Was just coming on to say they all look positive!! Congratulations. Wanted to add, most peoples tests come up quite faint until you are quite late, its likely you ovulated later than normal so you're tests are little lighter. There's an obvious change in yesterday and today's which is a fab sign. People see on movies the woman taking a test and it being two thick lines. In reality that doesn't really happen for a lot of women and the other line is quite pale when getting a bfp.

Cakelaur · 12/02/2018 21:11

Yay congrats!!!

SpongeCake23 · 12/02/2018 20:18

Today's FRER test

Is this an evap?
OP posts:
Opensesame1 · 12/02/2018 20:10

I never got darker than this on an ic.. got a positive on a clear blue digital at the same time as a faint line on the cheapie one. They are cheap for a reason... congrats!! Xx

JustVent · 11/02/2018 22:56

They all look like faint positives to me.

NoseringGirl · 11/02/2018 22:10

I understand the worry. You could have ovulated later, or maybe it's the type of test. Yes it could be a chemical but it's not definite. You could try a digi test in a couple of days?
Fx for you!

RLOU88 · 11/02/2018 22:04

Test again within the next couple of days and it should get darker. Mine took a few days to deepen. Worrying will do no good at this early stage as there isn’t really anything that can be gone if it is a chemical. Good luck, OP

SpongeCake23 · 11/02/2018 21:56

I'm just really worried it's an ectopic or a chemical due to how faint it is!

Is this an evap?
Is this an evap?
Is this an evap?
OP posts:
SpongeCake23 · 11/02/2018 21:54

@NoseringGirl Thank for my confirming that x

OP posts:
NoseringGirl · 11/02/2018 21:08

Congratulations, definitely a line!
You can call your GP surgery and they'll tell you how they do things. Some like you to have a GP appointment and they refer you to the midwife, others you just self refer. First midwife appointment is roughly about 8 weeks but depends on your area. Not much happens between positive test and midwife appointment. I found it feels a bit weird! All the hype and then nothing for weeks.

SpongeCake23 · 11/02/2018 18:42

I still can't quite believe I've had positives today, I feel like I'm in a dream.
What do I do now? And when should I tell people?

OP posts:
unicorncow · 11/02/2018 16:59

I used that second test you have and my early positives looked like that, I'd say you've ovulated late

SpongeCake23 · 11/02/2018 14:37

Thank you. I'm just worrying it should be darker at this stage and hope I'm not going to have a chemical or ectopic.

OP posts:
Ginge12 · 11/02/2018 14:33

Definitely looks it to me, Congratulations!

SpongeCake23 · 11/02/2018 14:09

@8DaysAWeek Thank you, I've just taken two more and they showed up pretty quick!
Should it be darker at 8-9 days late?

OP posts:
8DaysAWeek · 11/02/2018 14:03

Second test looks positive to me Grin

SpongeCake23 · 11/02/2018 13:57

Anyone? On the second test x

OP posts:
SpongeCake23 · 11/02/2018 12:41

Took a second cheap test, came up within two minutes x

Is this an evap?
Is this an evap?
OP posts:
ShowOfHands · 11/02/2018 11:28

I know but WE aren't seeing that so really can't comment.

Definitely test again. Good luck!

SpongeCake23 · 11/02/2018 11:06

@ShowOfHands it had the kind before breaking it out of the case though.

I'm going to go to Boots in a short while and get a digital and FRER

OP posts:
ShowOfHands · 11/02/2018 11:02

Breaking it out of the case can cause evaps so nobody can answer with any conviction.

NoseringGirl · 11/02/2018 11:01

I do see a line. Could you have ovulated later than usual?


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SpongeCake23 · 11/02/2018 10:58

@NoseringGirl I broke it out but there was the same line before I did that, I just wanted a closer look.

OP posts:
NoseringGirl · 11/02/2018 10:55

How long did it take to come up? And is it a testing strip (the internet cheapie ones) or have you broken it out of its casing?

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