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Devastated-don't know how to move forward from this

2 replies

mummabear85 · 05/04/2017 22:57

This evening out of no where my other half has decided he no longer wants to try for a baby.
I understand it is something we both have to be happy with and want. It's just come so out of the blue I cannot get my head around it.
Last week we were dancing around the kitchen with joy that I had ovulated for the first time in months.
He has work in the morning and needs to sleep so I'm currently sat downstairs trying to calm myself down and get some rest and I just cannot get my head around this.
Sorry for the vent everyone xxx

OP posts:
Hopelessworrier84 · 05/04/2017 23:42

Did he give you a reason? Could it be a snap decision based on something stressful that happened? Sending hugs xx

ijustwannadance · 05/04/2017 23:00

What is your situation? Do either of you have kids already? Is it a deal breaker for you?

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