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Anyone here take B6 or Angus castus?

2 replies

triangle3 · 28/01/2017 08:55

Have they made a difference to your cycles? I have spotting before period each month and have been told from a scan that I have thickening to my uterus lining (still waiting to find out more about that!). Wanted to hear from people that have been taking either of these (or both!) and whether they have made any difference. My periods can also be quite heavy

OP posts:
GraceGrape · 28/01/2017 09:29

I take AC. Took it first when I came off the pill and my periods didn't return for months. They started again about a month after starting Agnus Castus. I don't know if that was just coincidence. I take it now, post-children, because it helps my PMS symptoms and my hormonal acne.

I do seem to remember something about taking it with caution if TTC as it can cause miscarriage? I may be wrong, but I think the advice I read was take it only in the pre-ovulation part of your cycle.

Newtoday · 28/01/2017 09:23

I took AC for inter menstrual bleeding and had a surprise and very healthy pregnancy!

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