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Frustration post pill

35 replies

Dolwar · 21/01/2017 18:03

We are ttc #1 and I came off the pill mid December, had withdrawal bleed as usual. Since then....nothing. I was due to have my period last Monday (pre pill I was very regular 28 day cycle) but no sign of it. And yes pt was negative. I'm really confused now because I had all the usual signs of AF - spots, greasy hair etc but that was it. I have no idea where I am in my cycle and it's very confusing and frustrating. Just wanted to vent really AngryHmm

OP posts:
MrsL2016 · 09/02/2017 17:29

Thanks for the advice everyone. I wish you all luck for TTC and getting your BFP's. Hopefully I will be joining you soon.

Sshsecretenclosed · 09/02/2017 19:33

Onnatures I feel the same. Don't think I ever want to go back on the pill again tbh. Feel like I've lost the last few years and last few weeks have been amazing!

OnNaturesCourse · 09/02/2017 20:28

Yeah, I started the pill when I was 16 after being sexually active once so for 11 years I've had nothing to compare my drive too. Thought it was just how I was... I was so wrong lol

Sshsecretenclosed · 09/02/2017 21:04

I'm exactly the same!! 10 year relationship and 9 of them on the pill.

OnNaturesCourse · 11/02/2017 10:47

My DP mentioned it last night and said the only reason people say you're most fertile in the 3 months after stopping the pill is the ladies drive goes through the roof 😊😂

OnNaturesCourse · 13/02/2017 19:55

shh how are you getting on?

Sshsecretenclosed · 13/02/2017 20:17

Hi nature Ermm trying not to stress myself out this month. Just lots of DTD. Am ovulating right now - potentially. So lots of DTD but I'm not complaining! How about you??

OnNaturesCourse · 13/02/2017 20:49

Yeah im about 5 dpo... But coming down with a cold and AF pains 😌 already looking forward if im honest, best way to rein my hopes in lol. Keep in touch xx

Sshsecretenclosed · 13/02/2017 20:59

Definitely. It's so good to have support.

OnNaturesCourse · 13/02/2017 21:03

"Needing some 2WW buddies" is my new stomping ground , lovely supporting ladies xx l

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