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Am I Preg?!?!

8 replies

Ashley7737 · 02/10/2016 20:14

I did a clearblue preg test where the cross says positive that has been bought a while back but the date is fine. It looks negative but i can see a very faint line..I am currently 2 weeks late and I don't think I've been this late before even though My periods are irregular Smile. We have been trying for about 6 months now and I am praying I'm pregnant?!?! Can very faint lines mean positive? How do i show a picture on this site as i am new to this haha Blush

OP posts:
sharnyy · 24/03/2017 23:48


Am I Preg?!?!
holzyb20 · 04/10/2016 11:59

Yep I also had faint lines on my clear blue came up within a minute of taking the test and was definitely not pregnant

Am I Preg?!?!
Ashley7737 · 02/10/2016 21:02

Thank you so much has anyone else had this problem?

OP posts:
Dazedandconfusedtoomuchpeppa · 02/10/2016 20:57

I would be wary of faint lines on clearblue. I had faint lines on several tests and they were just evaps. If you test again in a few days you should have a strong line if you are pregnant. Good luck

KitKat1985 · 02/10/2016 20:51

Can you take a digital so you get a clear result? I would have thought if you were two weeks late you would be getting very clear lines by now.

Ashley7737 · 02/10/2016 20:36

Thank you, last week I thought I was getting my period as I had some cramps now and then but I never did? I feel fine now though?

OP posts:
Fluffsnuts · 02/10/2016 20:29

Do another test, either a digital test or pink dye tests such as a first response.

Imnotaslimjim · 02/10/2016 20:18

A line is a line is a line, so they say. As long as it was within the timeframe, chances are it's a true positive.

Are you on a phone or PC, the instructions are different to add pics.

For peace of mind, can you save your FMU and get a more sensitive test in the morning? First Response are supposed to be good.

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