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Progesterone levels.... Please God can someone help me??

2 replies

Kimmycutler · 22/07/2016 18:41

So, I'm 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant by my dates, with a history of 6 previous miscarriages. This week I had my progesterone levels tested, and today was given my results by a dr I don't know, who told me my result was '35'.... She won't tell me in what measurement, (whether it's ng/ml or Nmol/L which makes ALL the difference) until I see my usual dr on Monday so has in essence left me in an even worse state than I was before the results! PLEASE does anyone know which they'd have been given to her in? I am desperate to know whether this very much wanted pregnancy is viable or not :-(

OP posts:
Kimmycutler · 23/07/2016 18:58

Thank you. They wont tell ne anything without the go ahead from my gp, BUT they have booked me in for a EP scan on thursday so fingers crossed! Im so nervous!!! Thanknl you so much for taking the time to reply xx

OP posts:
ThisisMrsNicolaHicklin · 23/07/2016 18:42

I don't know at all but I didn't want to read and run. Could you contact the EPU and let them know how anxious you are about this.? As long as it's all NHS they should be able to access your results and interpret them for you. Good luck op, I really hope it's a sticky wee bean x

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