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Pregnancy of unknown location

2 replies

Lizziedoll · 14/07/2016 16:01

Hi ladies so I got several BFPs a week ago and was over the moon. I was having symptoms such as sore breasts etc and definitely felt pregnant. I tested all week and only got BFPs. Last night and this morning had painful twinges so went for a scan. They couldn't find any sign of pregnancy, no sack, nothing. So they did blood tests to check hormones and while they showed I was pregnant, got my results and it was a "grey area", so inconclusive and I have to go back in 48 hours for another one to see if my pregnancy hormone levels are going up or down. My breasts aren't as sore and I retested but the pregnant line was fainter. This is bad news, isn't it? Anyone ever experienced this? Could my baby still be viable?!

OP posts:
ScottishLady7 · 16/07/2016 09:48

I've just read this - how did you get on, Lizzie?

Princesspinkgirl · 14/07/2016 23:42

It's difficult to say I think as stressful as it is you will have to wait and see

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