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Faint positive or???

25 replies

Mel2795 · 06/07/2016 20:02

Hey guys I'm currently 9DPO! I'm very impatient so took a test at 12 this afternoon and got this result 5mins after... What do you think?

Faint positive or???
Faint positive or???
OP posts:
Jodie1982 · 07/07/2016 16:29

Your 1st pic looks quite smudged op, like the dye has run.
Maybe in another day or 2 the test will be more clear. Good luck

miniswin · 07/07/2016 14:56

I would test with a different sort of test if I were in your position, if this is the one I think it is I did in fact get a very definite false positive with one of these... Only way I knew was that although it appeared well within the time, it didn't last beyond about 15-20 minutes and then faded completely, and all other tests I did were negative (first response x2, and another one of these). I definitely wasn't pregnant that month. Try a different type with FMU, and maybe leave it another day or two, good luck!

Scarydinosaurs · 07/07/2016 14:49

Yes!! A line is a line! It cannot detect that line without the hormone!

Mel2795 · 07/07/2016 14:02

Yeah I didn't think there really was a line or I was imagining it but people are saying that it's a posotive and there's deffo 2 lines it puts more confidence in the situation!!

OP posts:
Scarydinosaurs · 07/07/2016 12:09

My first few were so faint, I kept them all and can clearly see the lines now- but at the time I was squinting and unconvinced that they were actually positive!

FeckArseIndustries · 07/07/2016 11:13

I think I'm about 5 dpo but I'm not holding my breath - not technically trying. We both love babies and want another one, but think we are done with babies now, as we have 2 already and finances/situation, bla bla bla! We are back and forth on the idea all the time. Basically, it's heart vs head! However last weekend we decided to maybe have one last try - alcohol may have influenced that decision, oops! Pretending I don't mind either way but secretly have my fingers crossed - I'm sure dh is the same, haha. x

Mel2795 · 07/07/2016 09:26

Thank you makes me feel a lot better please update me with yours!! I love hearin them all and seeing pictures!!! I will update with mine trying to only test once a day hahaha!

OP posts:
FeckArseIndustries · 07/07/2016 09:14

Don't worry Mel, it's looking great for you. False positives are really, really rare, and yours was so definitely positive, whereas false negatives at 10dpo are practically a given! Try not to worry and just test again in a couple of days.

Mel2795 · 07/07/2016 07:05

This is the one this morning

Faint positive or???
OP posts:
Mel2795 · 07/07/2016 07:03

Congrats!! 123HurryBaby!!! And nope deffinatly negative :,( going to try in a few days as 9DPO is still very early x

OP posts:
Scarydinosaurs · 07/07/2016 06:11

123 sure winner!

Mel, no hint of a line?

123HurryBaby · 07/07/2016 06:07

I'm sorry Mel :( but it's not over till AF arrives! Fingers crossed for you x test on Saturday or Sunday maybe if still nothing? Xx

I tested again this morning & think I'm onto a winner?! X

Faint positive or???
Faint positive or???
Mel2795 · 07/07/2016 05:15

BFN this morning 😰

OP posts:
FeckArseIndustries · 06/07/2016 23:21

Bloody hell, 9dpo?? I think it's twins, haha! Congratulations. x

Mel2795 · 06/07/2016 22:44

I'm due on Tuesday!! I didn't think I'd get a line 9DPO but they cAme in the post and were staring at me... Haha!

OP posts:
MrsGsnow18 · 06/07/2016 22:25

I also love looking for lines!
Congrats to Mel that's a very decent line for 9dpo!! Can I ask when your AF would have been due? I'm 9dpo tomorrow!
123 maybe get yourself a different kind of test? Fx for you!

TheGoodEnoughWife · 06/07/2016 21:53

I can see a line 123!

Mel2795 · 06/07/2016 21:50

123hurrybaby I think I see a line!???. Also thank you guys I'm so so excited got married in March! It's our first month TTC and I really didn't believe it when I saw it! Really hoping I get a line tomorrow!!!

Faint positive or???
OP posts:
123HurryBaby · 06/07/2016 21:31

Congrats! Looks pretty positive to me! I'm 6 days late and still nothing :( what do you think of mine this morning? Trick of the imagination me thinks... :( x

Faint positive or???
SpaceDinosaur · 06/07/2016 21:29


SkyLucy · 06/07/2016 21:18

Definitely! It looks just like the first test I did...I squinted at it for ages then did a clearblue digital which confirmed it in writing - have a go! Congratulations!

TheGoodEnoughWife · 06/07/2016 21:07

Good :-)
Update please. I love these posts, I used to love poas but not likely for me now (which is all good - have three!) so love seeing others.


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Mel2795 · 06/07/2016 20:47

I'm gonna test again tomorrow! Thank you!!!

OP posts:
Bambooshoots14 · 06/07/2016 20:04

Yep I can see it :)

TheGoodEnoughWife · 06/07/2016 20:03

Looks like a line to me!

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