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Shopping meltdown

2 replies

natalilly84 · 02/05/2016 16:50

SO I had to share this with people who would understand. DP did the male thing and tried to give solutions when I just wanted to have a good ol' sob.
We have been ttc for coming up to 18 months. I had to pick up a gift for his cousin who is expecting her first baby in a few weeks time. So I was in my local little Asda looking at all of the gorgeous pink clothes, thinking I wish I could buy them all, whilst at the same time wanting to get something that would be the right season if I got 3-6mnths (we don't see them often) and trying to balance the amount I was spending with gifts given to other family members. When all of a sudden, in full view of the two store assistants and two families. I grabbed the closest thing in the right size, and legged it to the till.
My first meltdown :-/

OP posts:
natalilly84 · 04/05/2016 12:25

Thank you karryk, I had to go cry in the car. I'm surrounded to, not to mention comments from well meaning relatives (mine and his) friends and co-workers!


OP posts:
karryk · 03/05/2016 13:55

Sending big hugs your way x

I had a moment a few days ago...found out someone had just had a baby (seem to be surrounded by pregnancy at the moment) and spent the journey home on the train trying not to cry.

Chin up x

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