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Donor IUI Leeds

3 replies

Roulette1 · 04/03/2016 20:38

Hi guys, looking for anyone who has had experience of dealing with the Leeds Centre for Reproductive Medicine. I'm right at the start of my journey, off to the GP next week to ask for a referral to help me go it alone with donor sperm, 36 and single. I've done some research but not entirely sure what to expect. Will the GP do some tests first? Is there a long wait to see the staff at LCRM? Is IUI with donor sperm funded or should I expect to pay privately for this? I can find criteria online for IVF funding but not IUI. Any advice or knowledge would be really useful and reassuring at this point! Thanks Smile

OP posts:
Angliski · 23/04/2017 11:19

Check out the DCN network - they have been amazing in helping us. We are a hetro couple with azoospermia. We used a donor on a medicated IUI cycle and got a BFP first time but unfortunately i had a missed miscarriage so trying again now. We use New Life in Epsom - private. I could get referred but i am too fat so we had to pay for it. The sperm was the most expensive bit by far.

Ginia27star · 08/11/2016 17:39

Hi all,
I'm with the centre for reproductive medicine at counselling stage too. I'm 36 and single. Would be lovely to talk about with someone else too. It can feel a bit overwhelming!

patricia91 · 14/10/2016 17:22

Hi Roulette1, how are you getting on with your journey?
I am too at the centre for reproductive medicine at Leeds and I am at the counselling stage. Would be great to chat to someone else about all this!

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