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Evap or positive?

10 replies

Hollymilli14 · 16/12/2015 09:53

Me and my dh have only been trying for 1 month. I took a test this morning and got this! It came up straight away but very faint. I'm not due until next week.
I'm going to do a cb dig tomorrow. I'm just shocked I think and doesn't seem real. I'm adamant it's an evap line 🙈

Evap or positive?
OP posts:
Pinkdiva · 20/12/2015 20:15

Congratulations 👏 🎉

Hollymilli14 · 18/12/2015 12:38

Thank you.. still so shocked 🙈 xx

OP posts:
Itjusthappened · 17/12/2015 21:55


PunkrockerGirl · 17/12/2015 20:44

Congratulations OP Flowers

Hollymilli14 · 17/12/2015 20:39

Hi. Yes I tested today with a clearblue and it was a positive 😊 so looks like we're expecting! Flowers

OP posts:
Itjusthappened · 17/12/2015 15:28

Any news?

Hollymilli14 · 16/12/2015 18:45

Yes it came up straight away. I did another one its afternoon (couldn't help myself) and that was also a line straight away. Though still very faint so I think it is positive. I just didn't expect to fall so quickly. It's our first month of trying. Extremely lucky if it's true.
Thank you Flowers

OP posts:
Rememberallball · 16/12/2015 16:09

If it came up straight away, however faintly, it's a bfp!! If you're still a week pre-af being due then it's likely that levels of hcg are quite low. Try again in a day or two using a test fat is sensitive to 10iu/ml - beware, CB digit tests are 25iu/ml so not very sensitive at all whereas first response tests are 10iu/ml as are Superdrug ones!!

Oh, and congratulations!!

Flossiesmummy · 16/12/2015 15:23

That's a positive! Congrats. Thanks

prettyflowers111 · 16/12/2015 13:42

How long after taking test is this? It might just be a positive you know :):):)

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