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This is my 4th IVF - please tell me it might have worked this time? There's a line, but I took the test hours ago...

68 replies

LittleBear01 · 13/09/2015 09:57

So after 3 failed IVFs, I POAS this morning to see if the 4th one has worked.

It's been 12 days since I had 2x 5 day old blastocysts thawed and transferred back.

I POAS at around 7 this morning, watched the urine make its way along, and saw the control line appear but no test line. Devastated, I went back to bed. I definitely hadn't waited the 3-4 minutes that the instructions say. I then got up 2 hours later and it looks like the attached pic.

Can I get my hopes up? Has this happened to anyone else and it's turned out to be a real BFP? I just need to test again tomorrow morning, don't I? Any tips on getting through the next 24 hours?

PLEASE let this be a BFP! Confused

Thanking you in advance for your time Flowers

This is my 4th IVF - please tell me it might have worked this time? There's a line, but I took the test hours ago...
OP posts:
DizzyMerry · 17/09/2015 11:50

Congratulations! Such a heartwarming thread. Wishing you an uneventful pregnancy Flowers

MrsHenryCrawford · 17/09/2015 10:31

Fantastic! So delighted to see this. Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy

TheVeryThing · 16/09/2015 07:13

Congratulations, what a lovely thread.
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy Flowers

LittleBear01 · 16/09/2015 07:08

Thank you all for your kind words Flowers I was in tears reading your comments, so touching that some of you logged on just for little old me!

Eurochick - I remember seeing you post, I think it was on Eggbuddies, and feeling happy for you when you got your BFP!

My DH and I are trying to be cautious but can't help being ridiculously excited - last night consisted of finding out about buggies that will fit in my car and researching fun ways to tell our parents the news.

I tested again this morning (addictive!) and it's looking reassuringly darker Grin (today's is on the left).

So thank you all again and all the luck in the world to those TTC.

This is my 4th IVF - please tell me it might have worked this time? There's a line, but I took the test hours ago...
OP posts:
mummytowillow · 15/09/2015 17:03

Yay! Huge congrats, I had five cycles and was blessed with my IVF DD now 8!

Woolly84 · 15/09/2015 15:55

Fantastic news - many congratulations!! Smile

ElizabethG81 · 15/09/2015 12:33

Congratulations! Flowers

mintleaf · 15/09/2015 11:56

Another one who logged on especially to check how this morning had gone. Absolutely delighted for you! Wishing you a happy, healthy 8/9 months and beyond. Flowers

MNetter15 · 15/09/2015 11:43

I'm so happy to see this. Congratulations Flowers

Wishing you a wonderful pregnany Smile

zzzzz · 15/09/2015 11:08

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

KissingFish · 15/09/2015 10:04


My wife and I are having 2 embryos put back on Tuesday!

DownUdderer · 15/09/2015 08:25


Kirjava · 15/09/2015 07:57

Congratulations! Wishing you an uneventful 9 months!

fififolle · 15/09/2015 07:39

I've been nervously scrolling through the thread....congratulations! What superb news. Smile

MagpieCursedTea · 15/09/2015 07:38

Congratulations! So happy for you SmileThanks

eurochick · 15/09/2015 07:37

Congrats. The result of my 4th round is currently throwing Cheerios at her father! I hope you have an easy nine months!

ExConstance · 15/09/2015 07:36

whoo whho!!! congratulations - tears of happiness for you here!

SomedayMyPrinceWillCome · 15/09/2015 07:34

As someone who had 3 cycles of IVF to get my DS. all I can say is

honeysucklejasmine · 15/09/2015 07:32

Congratulations! What a beautiful line! Flowers

MairzyDoats · 15/09/2015 07:31

Yippee! I also logged on just to see if you'd had good news - so happy for you! Fingers crossed for a healthy, easy pregnancy.

ClearBlueWater · 15/09/2015 07:30

Oh, YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Much longed for and very good news. Grin

(I still have my tests from my ds and dd - the lines still show, and they are 11 and 8 now)

BumWad · 15/09/2015 07:29

Ah wonderful news many congratulations!!!


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YouBastardSockBalls · 15/09/2015 07:28

So happy for you Flowers

5madthings · 15/09/2015 07:25

Yay brilliant, wishing you a healthy and easy pregnancy, congratulations littlebear

harryhausen · 15/09/2015 07:23

LittleBear, I'm not sure why I'm on your thread as I'm fortunate enough never to have experienced IVF, however I found myself totally drawn into thinking about you and your test!

I'm so pleased to log on this morning and find this pic of your test. It's definitely a line! So, so pleased for you. Sending you all the healthy, problem free vibes for the next 9 months Flowers

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