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When's the best time to get pregnant? Use our interactive ovulation calculator to work out when you're most fertile and most likely to conceive.


Just Getting Started!

3 replies

EEvans · 22/11/2014 18:48

Hi all,

I've just joined mumsnet today so wanted to say hello!

My husband and I have just begun try to get pregnant by me coming off the pill last month! I was so worried about it taking ages to go out of my system but I'm so pleased as it seems to have gone straight away as I had my first period! Whoop!

I've started using the Ovia app to track my cycle. I was wondering whether anyone else had used it and found it reliable at predicting ovulation/fertility etc? We are aiming to get pregnant from December on so we are just started to keep an eye on everything!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Pleased to meet you all!


OP posts:
hc899 · 22/11/2014 20:14


Yeah this is our first. I've wanted children for years and have had to really persuade my partner to let us try but I think he's coming round to the idea, it's just a bit tricky when you have to have sex every other day, you almost feel you're having to force them into it!

The august birthday thing did occur to me too but to be honest, this whole ttc thing is so much more complicated than I thought it'd be (I think I was kidding myself when I thought it'd happen first time round!) that I'm now thinking that I'm not bothered when it comes, I'll just be overjoyed when it does! The hardest thing is trying to get yourself to relax and not to stress too much about it all cos I think that's a big influence on how things go.

EEvans · 22/11/2014 19:36

Hi hc899, glad to hear you are finding it useful! I was hoping it would be! My husband was using it to look up things about moving (we're doing that too at the mo) so thought I would join up.

Good to hear Ovia seems ok for you. I started using it the day I came off the pill and I had my period the day it predicted so I'm hoping that it was correct and not just a mega coincidence!

My husband has a bee in his bonnet about not having an August baby due to school year groups so we are going to start actively trying next month.

I bought a pack of ovulation sticks off amazon but I'm not sure how good they are. So far it's been either negative or a faint line has come up which is inconclusive! I only really got them to see if things were working down there so I think I will get the clear blue next month.

Are you trying for the first time? We are so a bit nervy! Lol

OP posts:
hc899 · 22/11/2014 19:26

Hi Lizzie

I'm fairly new to mumsnet but am finding it very useful cos it's great to hear stories from lots of other people in the same boat.

I came off the pill at the end of May but didn't start actively ttc until the beginning of Oct. Am currently on cycle 2 as no luck last month unfortunately but I also use the Ovia app every day and finding it a good thing to use. I would also recommend the clear blue digital ovulation tests as they help you figure out the best time to conceive.

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