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Is there any point in going to a dr with absent period but neg pregnancy tests?

6 replies

Questionsquestionsquestions · 05/11/2014 21:36

I don't want to go and get laughed away and told that my cycle is just off....but I'm 5 days late (never late), and every test has been negative. Have dd and ds and both times tests were positive on 1st day period was due. Should I just wait, or is there actually something they can do/say if I make an appt? Anyone got any experience of this?
(should also say, been ttc for 2 years and on last cycle of Clomid)
Tia x

OP posts:
allchatnicknamesgone · 06/11/2014 17:10

About 2 months I started taking echineacea (sorry, can't spell it). That made my period about 3-4 days late I reckon as it was the only thing I'd done different that month….

Questionsquestionsquestions · 06/11/2014 14:52

Thanks all - very helpful. Happy (if that's the right word!) to wait and do nothing, just didn't want to be hanging around if I should be actively doing something/being concerned!
Will keep waiting...:)

OP posts:
maccie · 06/11/2014 10:01

Not what you want to hear but no I wouldn't bother with the doctor. My cycles were regular as clockwork and about 3 years ago I missed one period completely. It just never turned up but was there like normal the following month. The doctor was particularly useless. Told me I would be pregnant or not and was very dismissive, I also wasn't even trying to conceive and had had negative pg tests.

To complicate things further after my cycles resumed to normal for2 years they then stopped completely. After 8 months of no periods they sent me for blood tests to check for menopause. All came back normal. I was referred to gynae to look into this and this month they started again out of the blue !

I've probably shared too much here but I just wanted to let you know the timeframe before they wanted to even start looking into things from the lack of cycles. Five days really is nothing to be concerned about even if you are regular normally. Though I do appreciate that when your ttc it does seem very important to you. You have my sympathies but I don't think any doctor would be concerned at this point.

NakedFamilyFightClub · 06/11/2014 09:45

I don't know how helpful this is, but my periods are to the minute regular until they just stopped for 3 months a few years ago. All tests were negative and eventually my period arrived. I had asked the Dr but I got the 'sometimes they're just late' response and they said they didn't do pregnancy tests if I was getting negatives on home ones.

alliecal · 06/11/2014 09:41

Hi Tia!
I'm on my first cycle of Clomid. AF due Sunday, I was told that Clomid can delay your periods. Maybe its just that but I would go see the Dr and talk to him/her if you're feeling confused hun. If tests are still neg after 7 days they could send you for blood test?
Fingers crossed for you x

Metalhead · 05/11/2014 22:50

I very much doubt they will do anything if you're only five days late There are so many threads on here from ladies who say they're never late, but sometimes it does just happens. I think a GP would only consider action if you were maybe a month late... sorry. Could it be to do with the Clomid you've been taking? I hope the problem resolves itself soon.

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