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TTC after Mirena

13 replies

angiebabes31 · 30/08/2014 22:22

Hi ladies,

I'm looking for a bit of advice TTC. My partner of 5 years and I have decided to try for a baby (yay!) I have two children from a previous relationship, DD is 11 and DS will be 10 next month, both of which were unplanned, but not unwanted pregnancies and were conceived fairly quickly. I also had a termination 5 years ago when my IUD was inserted - please do not judge, my relationship had recently broken down with kids father and I got a little too close to an old friend for comfort (bottle of wine and loneliness clearly impaired my better judgment!) I did take precautions, however, condom split and I took morning after pill within 24 hours, though that also failed. It was a very hard decision, but the right one at the time as I couldn't financially cope with another child at the time and didn't want a relationship with the father. I am scheduled to have my Mirena IUD removed next Thursday after having it in for the full 5 years and no AF at all.

My TTC plan of action will be to start taking prenatal vitamins as soon as IUD is removed, quit my 3 large glasses of Chardonnay after work on a Friday (damnit!), quit my morning and afternoon coffee fix and try eat clean and fresh. Don't think I need to lose any weight prior, BMI is around 24.

I've been doing a bit of research online and the general concensus seems to be miscarriage seems to be formidable after Mirena so I intend to wait until I have menstrated three times before actively trying. During that time I will be tracking my cycle to see if I go back to my usual 28 days and I have ordered OPKs to track when I ovulate during my three month wait.

I would love to hear any success stories from any of you ladies who have had a successful pregnancy post-Mirena to put my mind at rest as I am a bit anxious now that I'm 31 TTC and that I'm over 30 might be a factor, worried that the past termination could affect my fertility, also that the Mirena could play a part in delaying fertility. Also any advice on anything else I could be doing in the interim to get my body pregnancy ready would be most welcome.

Thanks, and apologies this post is a bit long-winded lol.

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angiebabes31 · 01/09/2014 19:41

Fingers crossed I won't be too bad then jcandy, nothing that paracetamol and a hot water won't sort out Smile x

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Jcandy · 01/09/2014 17:55

Good luck angie

My cramps have been really mild so far which is a nice change. Doubt they'll stay like this though.

Yes you definitely do read horror stories but there are nice ones out there too it seems Smile thanks for sharing!

angiebabes31 · 01/09/2014 17:40

Thanks for the reassurance girls, can't be any worse than a smear test then lol. Booked two days annual leave following removal anticipating terrible cramps (used to suffer awful cramps before mirena!)

Yeah think it just depends on the individual, mc is quite common during the first few weeks of any pregnancy and you might not even know (unless ttc and testing early.)

Please do let me know how you get on girls and we all have a nice BFP before xmas! Grin

Wow treaclesoda, thats incredible Smile Thanks so much for sharing. Think we scare ourselves half to death with online horror stories, but when you think about it people only vent online when things go wrong so the vast majority of women go onto have healthy full-term pregnancies but you rarely hear from them. So the problem seems bigger than it actually is lol. X

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treaclesoda · 01/09/2014 14:36

angie my 'baby' is 2 years old now Smile But the thread caught my eye and I thought you ladies might find it reassuring that you can conceive very quickly after removal. It certainly took us by surprise, even though it was planned Grin

ChocolateTeacup · 01/09/2014 12:10

I am ttc now :) it was a bit uncomfortable but that was more the speculum!

Jcandy · 01/09/2014 10:39

It hurt a little but was absolutely nothing to having it put in so I wouldn't worry! We are going to start ttc straight away..... Well when this bleed I'm having now stops (AF or withdrawal???) I have heard people say you are more likely to mc after mirena removal but can't find any hard evidence studies to suggest this so I think it's just the 1 in 4 chance of mc that is normal.

angiebabes31 · 01/09/2014 08:45

Hi chocolateteacup and jcandy Smile

Was it painful getting the mirena removed? Are you also ttc right away?

Hi treaclesoda, Well done you! Smile
Are you still expecting or had your little one yet? x

OP posts:
treaclesoda · 31/08/2014 21:53

I had my Mirena removed at the age of 35 and started ttc after my first period (which was shortly after removal). I was pg within six weeks of that, much to my surprise because due to my age we'd been expecting it to maybe take a year.

Good luck.

Jcandy · 31/08/2014 21:49

Me too Smile I had my mirena removed on Friday. Started bleeding today but guess it's withdrawal and not AF

ChocolateTeacup · 31/08/2014 21:30

Hi I am joining you got my mirena removed last week :)

angiebabes31 · 31/08/2014 01:21

Thanks for your response Kirsty.

That's great news, congratulations! Grin

Thanks for sharing that's really reassuring. Getting a BFP this christmas would be the best present ever x

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Kirsty770 · 30/08/2014 22:51


I had my mirena removed last November, bled for about 2 weeks following removal and then found out I was pregnant just after Christmas, I'm due any day. Plus I was 36 when I fell pregnant so was concerned about my fertility, I just started folic acid as soon as it was removed as they say you can fall pregnant once it is removed if you have had sex in the last few days.

Hope it works out well for you, just thought I would post a positive story, was my third pregnancy also.

angiebabes31 · 30/08/2014 22:23

This will also be my partners first child.

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