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Today, I am a bit sad. Cheer me up?

27 replies

WrySmile · 25/05/2013 09:28

Am usually ok with the whole thing; Mrs Positivity is absolutely great, etc.

But today I woke up at 6am and have just stayed in bed as I can't put my happy face on yet.

I'm just tired. 3 yrs ttc. Metformin, Clomid, am starting IVF soon.
Everything else in my life is brilliant, so I have told myself that nobody gets everything, that I am luckier than most, etc. I do actually feel this way usually. But today I feel flat and tired and sad.

All my friends are pregnant or have had babies. Am not exaggerating when I say I have had at least two (close) announcements of pregnancies a week for the last 6 weeks. I have bought presents, made cakes for christenings, laughed off ever-increasing comments about our childlessness.

Arghhh! Am just feeling sorry for myself! Need a kick up the ass. Have a 1st birthday party to go to today of a little boy whom I adore, so I need to get smiling and stop wallowing. Help!!!

(just read that back and have annoyed myself at how pathetic it is)

OP posts:
FrankellyMyDearIDontGiveADamn · 26/05/2013 10:39

Someone once said to me "Are you thinking about having children? If so, go to a soft play centre for a few hours. That'll put you off for another few years!" Grin

WrySmile · 26/05/2013 11:28

Soft play - jeez. I am sooo glad that I do not have to do that this weekend! There are definite positives - like never having to worry about nap times and routines. And never having to go to soft play and the like!

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