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4 days late and negative hpt

9 replies

booisgreat · 23/04/2013 21:07

Hi girls. Firstl sorry for long and tmi post.

I don't know where to start as I am so confused. I have a 33 day cycle and my last perod started 17th or 18th of march. I had sex around the 24th/25th of March. Period was due last saturday the 20th. Before my period starts I get a light mucousy blood stained discharge for 2-3 days and then AF arrives full on. I am normally in wicked form. DH says I have a particular odour down there for a few days before AF arrives.

I am now 4 days late. I am bloated and suffering from flatulence. my dh says there is no odur whatsover and I have no usual discharge. thing is I am feeling as if AF is coming any minute. Did clearblue digital yesterday and it was negative.

Feeling really confused. Felt that if I had conceived so far ago that I would have positive test by now.

OP posts:
zumm · 29/04/2013 17:17

Sorry, that sounded all doomy. I know how it sucks.

zumm · 29/04/2013 17:16

OK, in reality, if you get a negative preg test you're 99% not pregnant. Please save your pennies and don't do any more tests.
Sometimes periods just come late. WHO knows the reason why.
I've had this myself. Am always regular. Thus I convinced myself I was pregnant. That I was the 1% for whom these tests lie (all five of them). Or is it even less than 1% (0.01%?).

It would be great if that were so, but if I were a betting (wo)man I could bet the pregnancy test is right.

BUT as I said, I've been in your shoes...

poglol · 28/04/2013 13:32

I'm in a similar situation. Periods a little erratic, ranging from 28 to 33 days over last 4 months.

Today 35 days. Did a test yesterday, bfn.

Went out last night, all the wine i drank tasted rank. Had funny pains on Tuesday,then cramping pains fri pm. Dead tired but struggling to sleep.

Course it could just be stress, but not the wine surely?

What do you think?

SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 26/04/2013 22:46

Can I join? I'm 3 days late. Seriously nauseous, sitting here burping and trying not to need to hurl sore boobs, metallic taste... I have POAS about half a dozen times in the last few days, including a First Response yesterday, nothing! I could well have ovulated late, making AF due on Sunday, but surely I would have got something on the FR? And surely if I feel THIS bad, I must have enough hormones in my system for a BFP? I'm so frustrated! Sad I just want a definitive decision!

Dusty27 · 26/04/2013 03:27

thanks boo. who knows, trying to be positive. The hubby has been exceptional over the past few days which is great coz I've been a mess!

booisgreat · 24/04/2013 16:59

Hi Dusty. So sorry to hear that. tbh I think AF is on the way. another neg test and dh @smells her@. best of luck next month.

OP posts:
Dusty27 · 24/04/2013 14:30

No AF showed up this morning. Gutted :-(

Fingers crossed for you boo.

babyrose · 24/04/2013 08:21

Give it a few days a test both sound promising!

Dusty27 · 23/04/2013 21:43

Hi Boo, I'm in a similar situation... My cycle is normally 25days, can be 22days. I'm currently on day 28 and had a neg hpt this morning. Clearblue dig same as you.

I don't feel like I normally do before I'm due on, none of my usual symptoms. Confused with you hun!

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