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So desperate! Can't wait! When can I poas?

3 replies

katerinaemalina · 27/11/2012 11:25

Something has taken over my brain. All I can think of is babies at the moment. I think this is probably normal but it's driving me crazy! We're only just started trying and I'm now in that period of waiting till I can poas. Can I try now?!!
Got it on pretty regularly through all last month and def during 2 week ovulation bit!!
Last period started 24th Oct.
Period before that (this is the stupid bit) - I can't quite remember but I think it was 17th Sept. So I have long cycles.
I've only recently come off the pill so they are not really back to normal, so really I should wait till early next week before trying. Every time I go to the loo it's with dread as I think I will have come on.
I haven't really had any symptoms that are out of the ordinary, or any different from normal PMS type symptoms so difficult to tell.
Is anyone else in the same boat?
Sorry just wanted to blurt this out as can't really talk to anyone else!!!

OP posts:
katerinaemalina · 27/11/2012 16:07

Ha ha. How long did it take you first time? So you may be preg? I still have a glimmer of hope that I took it too soon, though I'm trying to think positive (I'll be able to have a glass of wine soon!) and just enjoy round 2 - ding ding!!

OP posts:
Iwish · 27/11/2012 13:53

Hey Hun. We aren't ttc but got a bit too carries away around ovulation time and I'm exactly the same. Can't stop thinking about babies and being pg! My DS is only 14 months too so if I was it would be hard work xx

katerinaemalina · 27/11/2012 12:16

ok I took one. Not pregnant :-( though maybe I took it too early. Another month to get trying again!! Now just need to try and work out how to switch off from it and concentrate on other things.

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