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Advice Needed - Summer Babies

4 replies

petal86 · 12/10/2012 19:37

My husband and I got married recently and want to start a family. I teach and so I am trying to work out the best time to 'try' for a baby.

I know you can't really plan these things - they will happen when they do, but if we do start trying soon, I am trying to weigh up the advantages/disadvantages of potentially having a baby during the summer holidays.

Please help!!


OP posts:
drcrab · 12/10/2012 22:06

Daughter was born 22 sept. conceived Christmas Eve. Grin

Pipbin · 12/10/2012 21:42

I teach reception and have to say that the difference in ability between the children in my class born in August and September, therefore nearly a year different in age, is huge. When you think about it, it's a 5th of their life.
However, being an active parent, reading with them and taking an interest in their schooling will make just as much difference.

As someone who has been TTCing for 18 months I wouldn't get too hung up on dates. Just winning a baby is good enough.

Littlemissimpatient · 12/10/2012 19:44

Any time between now and Xmas will give you a summer due date. Get on the folic acid!!

headfairy · 12/10/2012 19:41

I have heard that lots of teachers try to have a baby in September. Partly because school finishes in July so you have a few weeks before your mat leave starts, but also because children born in the first half of the academic year are supposed to do better. I don't know how scientific that is, but ds has just started reception and he's taken to it incredibly well. His birthday is 13th September, he was a week early but I'm fairly sure he was conceived on either 26th/27th/28th December, so get shagging over Christmas :o

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