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What is this pain??

9 replies

Alabama100 · 24/07/2012 22:59

Is this ovulation pain or am I having another mc?

I was on the pill for 12 years before conceiving dd, then we conceived her first try and then I bf for 7 month. Have had 2 periods so far. Only cerise fed ovulation pain once.

Basically the right ovary really hurts, like a sharp and dull cramping feeling. Been feeling sick for 2 days and have noticed increased cm.

The thing is before dd we accidentally got pg and sadly I had a mc and it started off feeling really similar to this - horrible pain on one side of my ovary, feeling sick. That time it got progressively worse, clotting, heavy bleeding, doubled over in pain, throwing up, crying etc, this feels like the beginning of how it felt last time but also thinking (and hoping) it's actually just ov pain.

I started my last period 2nd July and we have had unprotected sex, but have only really finished bfing a month ago so mybe my cycles re just messed up.

Am scared, alone and in pain, so please no nasty comments.

OP posts:
Lisamol · 28/07/2012 15:06

Yeah I'm fine now. It'll always be a problem but I just need to keep an eye on what I eat etc. I just think that because I was so intent on ttc I kept convincing myself that it was something to do with that rather than listening to my body. If you're trying for a baby you need to keep your body in tip top condition and really look after yourself.

Alabama100 · 27/07/2012 19:22

Oh my goodness lisamol that's horrible! Are ou okay now? The pain in my side/ovary has stopped now but have had lower backache for a couple dys now and wak up feeling sick every morning. I'll give it til Monday and if it persists see the doctor. Thank you.

OP posts:
Lisamol · 27/07/2012 18:23

This will sound stupid but I had something similar at the beginning of the year and kept putting off going docs as I put it down to ov pain or pg pain, but after 4 months of pain, nausea and tiredness I finally went and it was my gallbladder. It's prob nothing but if it carries on it might be worth getting it checked out just in case.

Alabama100 · 25/07/2012 19:51

The pain the side has stopped but have been feeling a dull period like cramping most of the day as well as a queasy feelings so pretty sure it was ov pain, although I think I got it pretty bad this time perhaps because it's my first ovulation since I got pg with dd.

OP posts:
Pipbin · 25/07/2012 18:03

Could it be something like appendicitis?
I had a dreadful pain in the same area about 5 years ago. Doctor thought it was my appendix and I was admitted to hospital.
It wasn't and I never did find out what it was.

Alabama100 · 25/07/2012 08:24

The pain stopped at 6am this morning, no bleeding, clots or vomiting like the time I mc so thank god it wasn't that. Haven't taken a test but don't think the dates make it possible for me to be pg so can only conclude it was ov pain and that it was this bad because it was the first time I ovulated since I conceived dd. was horrible though, thank you ladies.

OP posts:
AttilaTheMeerkat · 25/07/2012 07:28

I would seek medical advice asap. Ovulation pain should not be like this at all.
If GP is unsure you need a referral to a gynaecologist.

Lisamol · 24/07/2012 23:25

If you started your last period on 2nd July it's unlikely to be a mc - but I'm no expert. Might be worth a trip to the GP to get it checked out though. Hope you feel better soon x

EchoDragon · 24/07/2012 23:17

Have you taken a test? Might be worth it if you could possibly be pg. Hard to tell if you are unsure on your ovulation date tho.

(Hugs) hope the pain gets better soon

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