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need hand holding

24 replies

rmm · 24/07/2012 19:57

We've been ttc for just over 18 months now.

Had a wonderfully supportive consultant but dh didn't want to go down the assisted fertility route.

So for the first time in 18 months af is 6 days late.
I'm too scared to poas.
I had sore boobs around the time af was due but that's passed and no other symptoms.

What do I do? I feel like this was my last chance and my body is playing cruel games

OP posts:
Lolcbcb · 29/07/2012 20:33

Hi lazy
I'm sorry about your bfn. It sucks to get hope and then see it crumble!
My DH is also not desperate for a baby so I try not to tell him much. I don't share details of ov and just try to make sure we DTD at the right time! It means less pressure on him- then girls here can help during tww!
I too share the irony of avoiding pregnancy for about 15 years and now desperately trying the opposite!
Don't lose hope though. I only DTD once last month for various reasons and found myself pg!!! Sadly I mc'd just over a week ago but at least I know it can happen and have hope for the near future.
All the best xx

lazycoconutree · 29/07/2012 17:20

Thank you everyone. For the support and kind words. I'm truly trying to be positive and appreciate what I have, and I am truly blessed, but af just turned but and it must be the af from hell!
Dh is generally unemotional and I know this has been tough on him, but I think this might be very close if not the end of the ttc road for us.
I'm trying to give myself the day to just not think before I try and process this incredible feelingbof failure.
How is it that I spent so much of my teens and early 20s trying not to fall pregnant and so much of my 30s trying to get pregnant?!

Mograt · 27/07/2012 00:25

Logged back on especially to see how you were getting on. I'm so sorry. I really am. I hope your DH can understand a little bit about how you're feeling.

worrywortisworrying · 26/07/2012 07:50

I'm sorry.

CookieRookie · 25/07/2012 23:36

Sad so sorry lct. I've been there so many times. It's just horrible.

I feel bad for you that your dp feels the way he does. It doesn't offer much support during a very upsetting time. I'll keep this thread on my watch list and if you feel like chatting now or in the coming days I'll be here.

Take care

kittykatsforever · 25/07/2012 21:03

Im sorry, that's really cruel, I was really rooting for you Sad

lazycoconutree · 25/07/2012 20:10

It's bfn :(
Dh is really relieved.maybe my body is saying something to me? Apart from craving a bottle of wine.
I never thought that failing a test would hurt this bloody much.

twittertotter · 25/07/2012 19:00

I had no symptoms until I was 8 weeks Smile

Marking place for live poas update

Fingers crossed for a bfp.

lazycoconutree · 25/07/2012 18:57

Hi, name changed. Dh has been dispatched to pick up some tests! Nothing yet but I'm feeling all sorts of symptoms. Af 7 days over due now. Surely there should be some signs by now??

iamstitch · 25/07/2012 18:14

Fx Grin

CookieRookie · 25/07/2012 17:01

Thinking about you rmm. Good luck Smile

iloveberries · 24/07/2012 21:12

Good luck to you!

fhdl34 · 24/07/2012 20:57

Good luck, we tried for 4 years, told unlikely to happen naturally and then it did - naturally. Now the proud mum of a gorgeous almost 7 month old DD. So it does happen

worrywortisworrying · 24/07/2012 20:51

Every. Last. Thing. Is crossed for you.

rmm · 24/07/2012 20:49

Ok, I'm going to give it one more night and poas tomorrow.

Will update as soon as I get back from work!

OP posts:
worrywortisworrying · 24/07/2012 20:38

I have everything crossed for you. But, you do have to POAS. This is the way it is.

kittykatsforever · 24/07/2012 20:35

You will send yourself crazy trying to think of different sinareos, the fact is the only way to know what's going on is to rip off that band aid!! Go do it now were all here chanting for a bfp for you!

rmm · 24/07/2012 20:32

Thank you!
I'm so scared of either outcome that I keep going to the loo to check!
I'm a very very regular 28 day cycle, but I keep thinking that maybe I ovulated later or didn't ovulate at all, or I'm going into early menopause.
Not sure I could deal with a bfn and dh is adamant we stop ttc :(

But even if I ovulated late af should have shown up by now? Right? Clutches wildly at straws!

OP posts:
worrywortisworrying · 24/07/2012 20:22

fingers crossed for you.

wishiwasonholiday · 24/07/2012 20:14

Good luck!

CookieRookie · 24/07/2012 20:13

I know that feeling but there's only one way to find out!

Go POAS Grin

Good luck.

kittykatsforever · 24/07/2012 20:11

Go and poas!!!! It took me 18 months plus to conceive dd and I didn't take a test till I was 7/8 wks pg, after that long you stop wasting money so I never took hpt just waited for af to come, you may not have a test and don't know if you use opk's but that was the first indication I was pg as took an opk when I thought to start using them again and it was + straight away, wouldn't have linked it but did the same when I was pg last time aswell ( no af to go by as breast feeding!) feels less scared then a hpt Smile


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iamstitch · 24/07/2012 20:10

Ohhhh do it Grin

MooleyWooleyShamaLamaDingDong · 24/07/2012 20:09

The only way to know is to POAS!!! Grin I'm here to handhold Smile

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