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Sickness bug or pregnancy symptom????

30 replies

goingmadtrying · 26/11/2011 13:34

OK..............I am taking a very tentative step back into mumsnet, as I have been away for a few months.

I am currently on CD35 my last 2 cycles which seem true as they have settled to this were 35 and 36 days. I check my cervix although haven't been doing so for a whiile, however throught what the hell, and I would normally have pink cm around 2-3 days before my af starts. I normally kid myself that its not there but its a true sign she is on her way. Today nothing!!

I also have period style pains at the bottom of my tummy and have felt sick today, however my son had a bit of a bug on thursday,(although only sick once) so wondering if its that???Hmm

My tummy feels bloated and I have alot of GAS! sorry tmi :)

Tested on tuesday which would only have been approx 10 dpo and not fmu and was BFN

We haven/t really been trying over the last couple of months, and I started slimming world to lose some weight as GP said this could be causing the problem as have been TTC #3 for 12 months, other 2 took only 6 months after coming of the pill. I have lost 10lb in 4 weeks Grin

So what do you think?? Pg symptom or Sickness bug I am not going to test until next week as only have 1 test left and not going to be silly.


OP posts:
possiblemaybebaby · 02/12/2011 07:41

Ah, Going it's totally reasonable for you to feel worried, but it will be good for your GP to reassure you too.

But as Have says, it is great that your HCG is rising Smile

If you need some brooking, come over and join us Smile

HaveALittleFaithBaby · 02/12/2011 07:12

Well the cbd coming up quick and thinking you're further along is a very positive sign, suggesting your hcg is rising...but if you're worried, it's wise to get checked out. Let us know what your GP says.

goingmadtrying · 02/12/2011 06:57

Morning ladies :)

I've been having a horrible feelingthat something is going to go wrong, and have a gp appointment to book in etc this afternoon.

I did my last cbd this morning and it came up quicker than Tuesday and has changed to 3+ .

Fingers crossed that everything is in the right place and my little bean stays well and truly stuck :)

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goingmadtrying · 30/11/2011 09:09

Thanks maybe really appreciate everyone's best wishes :)

Have only told a couple of people in RL and my mum is on her honeymoon so cant tell her just yet, she has been so supportive over the last few months about me trying, just want to shout it from the rooftops Grin

OP posts:
possiblemaybebaby · 29/11/2011 11:03

Oh Going I have just seen your news!!! I am so so pleased for you, congratulations Grin But triplets Shock wowza!

goingmadtrying · 29/11/2011 08:29

Thanks ladies dh is now worrying we are going to have triplets!!! They are in our family but financially we would struggle to cope Hmm

He worked out when the baby would be due on his night shift last night and has joked were bound to get a boy due to it being so near our other dc's birthday!

Thank you again for the congratulations
means a lot Grin

OP posts:
oggy24 · 29/11/2011 07:37

Hooray going! It's brilliant news!! Grin

Biscuitsandtea · 29/11/2011 06:55

It is all do e citing Going and if you can convince a Digi test in the evening you're well and truly updiffed!

And Have - I do love my iPhone and iPad, but the auto correct drives me nuts! Smile I bet I've never posted a whole post on MN without some auto correct error!

goingmadtrying · 28/11/2011 22:55

Just off to bed and my head has started questioning all the changes etc this extra special being will bring to our lives!!!

I have just done a cb digi and a big fat pregnant 2-3 weeks appeared, so it must be real if a digi said so Grin

OMG Im nearly 5 weeks pregnant!!! :)

OP posts:
HaveALittleFaithBaby · 28/11/2011 22:14

Don't question the iPad spelling! Grin

goingmadtrying · 28/11/2011 20:52

.thank you ladies :)

I can't begin to tell you how excited I am!!!! Spoke to dh and he really pleased too x

Grin Grin Grin Grin

OP posts:
Biscuitsandtea · 28/11/2011 19:57

Is that my predicative text Have? Grin

Agreed though - it is very very super news going.

HaveALittleFaithBaby · 28/11/2011 19:17

I'm laughing at biscuits telling you off for predicative test being wrong! Seriously that's wonderful news, congratulations Grin

Biscuitsandtea · 28/11/2011 19:09

Ah your predictive test is going to have to re-educate itself now to auto correct to BFP GrinGrin

Biscuitsandtea · 28/11/2011 19:08

Yay going! That's great! Grin

I'm assuming you meant you got a BFP though not a bfn?

goingmadtrying · 28/11/2011 19:05

Aaaarrrgggh predictive text

A BFP!!!!! Grin

OP posts:
goingmadtrying · 28/11/2011 19:04


I just got a bfn came up straight away and not even fmu!!!! Grin

I am soooooo shocked didn't expect it, my hubby just left for work so thought sod it I'll do the test as no sign of af, just sent him a text message of the picture waiting for him to ring cause he driving hoping he hasn't crashed!

Thank you all for your good wishes and crossed fingers x

OP posts:
goingmadtrying · 28/11/2011 08:38

Thanks oggy

I'm already past 14dpo but just think it will turn out to be a late af! Got tummy cramps so reckon by tomorrow itll be here :(

congrats on your bfp Grin how long have you been trying?

OP posts:
oggy24 · 28/11/2011 08:09

Hi Going. I got my BFP last week and pretty much had exactly the same situation as you. I had sort of 'stepped back' from manically trying. I had lost 20lbs and only SWI once last month. However, it seems to have worked!

I am gassy and randomly ran to be sick. I didn't get my BFP until 14dpo though.

Fx for you. Hope its the good news you are after!

goingmadtrying · 28/11/2011 07:36

Morning biscuits
No AF yet????
Cd 37, and cervix still high feels open but no sign of af cm nice and White.
Have had a couple of stupid length cycles previously so I'm beginning to think it could just be one of them :(

still achy feeling tummy and achy boobs but don't feel pg and urine is getting darker which tends to happen just before af.

Not tested trying to be strong and wait think I know deep down it will be bfn and don't want the disappointment, I'm also annoyed cause my cycles are stupid why can't they just be normal 28 days like they were last time???

Thank you for thinking of me x

OP posts:
Biscuitsandtea · 27/11/2011 21:28

Any news Going? Thinking of you... xx

goingmadtrying · 27/11/2011 09:52

Oooh biscuits that's really kind thank you, and I'm really pleased to hear that you to had achey knees, in some ways I think your body still might think that your af is coming????

Congrats on your bfp :)

if my son hadn't been I'll I would not even think of that, and I'm not a sicky person, and with ds2 felt sick for months but was never actually sick.

Only time will tell, I'll keep you posted more likely thataf has arrived!!!

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Biscuitsandtea · 27/11/2011 09:27

Hi going - I think j remember you from a few months back but just to say in keeping everything crossed for you. Bodies are awfully cruel that they play these tricks on us but hopefully this one isn't a trick and it's the real deal Smile

Great weight loss though - fantastic effort. Grin

Certainly the odd bouts of heaving etc could be an early sign. The weekend before I (finally!) got my bfp, I almost had to get DH to stop the car as I thought I was going to be sick. It was only that morning but it was v v odd.

Oh, and I'm sure I had achey knees before my bfp too........

Good luck anyway - will be keeping everything crossed for you xxx

goingmadtrying · 27/11/2011 09:01

R thanks have that's really kind trying desperately not to get into the major symptom spotting or getting my hopes up but it's sooooo hard!

Also forgot to mention my sore boob, one side is rather painful!

Why does out bodies do this and give us fake symptoms, I feel deep down I'm not but so want to be :(

thanks again have :)

OP posts:
HaveALittleFaithBaby · 27/11/2011 08:53

Jury is still out then! Definitely could do either way. I'm happy to sit and hold your hand while you wait!

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