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Has anyone tried home/self-insemination? Any success?

31 replies

MissLHoneychurch · 06/07/2011 01:05

Hello Mumsnet lovelies! I am relatively new to the site, and am very grateful to all who have welcomed me and shared their personal insight, stories, heartbreaks and successes. My OH and I live apart during the week, which has posed some difficulty in TTC. In addition, he is so tired from work that DTD is great any other time of the month, but he can't finish when I'm ovulating (sorry TMI). We read online about self-insemination and are willing to try anything. I wonder how successful it is and if anyone has any experiences, tips, etc. they could share. We want a baby so badly. Thank you all in advance!

Oh, I'm 37, TTC my first, "trying" for the past 3 months.

OP posts:
wrighty2010 · 27/07/2011 21:14

Hi, just read your posts with interst. Home AI is not as easy as you think, but then neither is getting pregnant the traditional way! Sometimes its good to go back to basics, I had my first baby via Ai with donor sperm so had to get it right (took 2 months) I recently came accross a blog/article on home AI on website called Pride Angel. It gave hints and tios, talked about the whole process, may be worth you giving it a read the link to the website is go to blog section and can go through recent blogs hope it helps!! xx

LoveInAColdChamberOfSecrets · 27/07/2011 21:21

I am convinced acupuncture helped us - I got pregnant a few weeks before our first infertility clinic appointment after my first two sessions of acupuncture. I managed to time it so I had one session the day I ovulated and another a week later. Found out I was pregnant before the third session and cancelled it. Good luck!

Tricky45 · 27/07/2011 22:12

As a lesbian couple we used self insemination as we had a lovely gay male friend who was willing to be our donor. We now have a 22 month old little girl, worked 3rd time round. 1st two times we used the syringe. 3rd time however I used the softcup, much handier, and less messy Wink

Tricky45 · 27/07/2011 22:14

Oh yeah and I have PCOS and went for reflexology for 6 months before we started TTC. So I am all for the alternative treatments too!

mermaiddance · 02/07/2015 23:58

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Nelly325 · 18/09/2019 12:47

Yep, we did it and concieved second month of trying !

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