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Am I pregnant?

7 replies

Albie82 · 29/01/2011 08:53

My husband and I have been trying for a baby since summer 2009! I was on the pill before this and it seems to have taken ages for me to become regular again. Finally, I got my cycle down to roughly 6 weeks. I now haven't had a period since 26th November and have been having regular unprotected sex. I feel very tired, my boobs are sore and I feel 'off' and nauseous. However, I failed two home pregnancy tests. I have been to my GP who has sent my husband for fertility tests and has prescribed me some fertility tablets that will help stimulate my ovaries and get my cycle back on track. However, they will bring a period on and my husband is worried I could be pregnant and they will cause me to miscarry.
I have been pregnant before, 5 years ago you see, the symptoms started like this until I was really very ill and ended up in hospital. I had been to my GP that time too, as I had gone a long time between periods. They examined me and sent blood and urine samples off. No positive result came back. As my morning sickness got progressively worse I ended up in hospital who gave me a scan. I was finally declared pregnant at 12 weeks, which was a huge shock as we had been told we were not so many times by profesionals! Unfortunatley, I lost the baby literally a few days later,
I suppose I'm just really concerned and don't know what to do next. Is it possible to get negative test results and still be pregnant? Should I start the medication or insist on further investigations like my husband is suggesting?

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sickoftheholidays · 30/01/2011 12:17

If you have told your GP your history and presumably the GP has also read your notes I would call your early pregnancy unit and insist on a scan. Def do not take the fertility drugs. If you are indeed pregnant as you suspect you need to make a formal complaint to your GP surgery manager they have failed to take note of your concerns and your history and have prescribed drugs which could have caused serious harm. If you arent pregnant at least you have peace of mind before taking the drugs prescribed for you.

Newgolddream · 30/01/2011 09:12

Good luck, let us know how you get on.

Albie82 · 29/01/2011 22:47

Yes, told my GP all about it but he did seem to ignore a lot of our concerns and prescribed the drugs straight away. I have been onto the a pregnancy unit I visited last time after we found out I was pregnant the first time and they are going to have me in if GPs blood and urine comes back negative. Hopefully I might get some answers.

OP posts:
sickoftheholidays · 29/01/2011 12:21

If you have had a pregnancy before where blood and urine tests came back +ve and yet you were pregnant, its likely that it will happen again. A very small number of women metabolise HCG differently so it isnt recognised by the standard hcg blood and urine tests.
Please go to your early pregnancy assessment unit explain your history and insist on a scan before you take any fertility meds.
Did you tell your GP what happened 5 years ago?

Bexamundo · 29/01/2011 10:20

I agree with Ravenlocks, if I were in your position I'd demand a blood test and scan because some women don't have enough HcG in their urine to get a bfp even when they are pregnant.
Hope it's good news!

ravenlocks · 29/01/2011 09:26

Wow, I would say with your history you should ask for GP to refer you for a scan as you could be.

If I were you I wouldn't start the meds until you are sure you aren't pg. It is possible to get negative results on HPT and be pg, yes, rare but possible.

Just mny opinion. I am sure you will get some others!

Albie82 · 29/01/2011 09:21

Anyone been in a similar situation?

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