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Anyone discussed their luteal phase with their GP???

3 replies

roberta79 · 27/01/2011 11:12

and what did they say??

OP posts:
lucylookout · 28/01/2011 17:45

Hi, not bad, progesterone pretty good. Fsh on day 3 was 9.9 so borderline ok, but given my age probably to be expected. Lh was 3.9 so again, not great but ok. Dh made an, ahem, deposit today. Get results for those next week. I do recommend going to your dr, is there one you usually see who is sypathetic and open to your suggestions? Good luck!

roberta79 · 28/01/2011 12:19

hey lucylookout , i've been getting AF 10dpo without fail, now about 8months after mc. I know some people will say this should be fine but a top New York fertility doc also writes on his blog 12 days is just about ok. I just have read a lot about GPs rolling their eyes when people mention their LP but yours obviously didn't. How were your results?

OP posts:
lucylookout · 27/01/2011 20:34

I went a few weeks ago with concerns about mine (post mc I start spotting 9/10 dpo. Get AF 12dpo). She was understanding. She's done 3 blood tests (she did first day of spotting, as well as day 3 of cycle and one week after ov) to check hormone levels. Get the results tomorrow. What concerns do you have?

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