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Yoga whilst TTC

8 replies

Kirsty4278 · 09/11/2010 18:26

Hi all!

I have probably a bit of an odd question! My bf and I are ttc again after having a miscarriage in August. This will be our first baby (well, when it happens it will be!) and obviously I want everything to go well this time if I fall pregnant again.

I've just started going to a yoga class near me which says it isn't suitable if you're pregnant. I've done quite a bit of yoga on and off over the years so I'm not a complete novice.

Do any of you know if it's safe to do normal yoga if you are ttc? Are there any postures you should avoid?

I'm going to try and speak to the teacher before the class tonight but sometimes she can be a bit busy and it's a bit of a private thing to speak about so I don't want to do it in front of everyone queuing up to pay!

Thanks for any advice!


OP posts:
lilly13 · 11/11/2010 11:41

Sorry, ignore previous post. Here are the links: htm m ancy.asp mester-exercise-fitness.html F435&playnext=4

lilly13 · 11/11/2010 11:40
lilly13 · 11/11/2010 11:36

Hi Kirsty, it is wonderful you are doing yoga while TTC. It is very beneficial. It helped me hugely to conceive. I have been practicing yoga about 5-6 times per week. Inversions are great if you are TTC. I will send you a list postures to do whilst pregnant via a separate post. Generally, after 7 weeks, you should avoid kapalabhati, deep twists and deep back bends. After 10-12 weeks, it is not advisable to lie on stomach. Inversions in pregnancy are okay if they feel right to you. For my body type, headstand just did not feell right but shoulder stand is okay. The most important thing is listening to your body. I carried on with a regular slightly modified viniyasa practice 5-6 times per week while pregnant (am now on my 15th week) and have been feeling great.

If you are in central London, try a class in South Kensington (Evolve studio) with Mercedes Ngoh called Fertility Yoga. Supposed to do miracles... She also has a DVD which can be ordered from the USA via the US version of Amazon. Good luck with TTC and your yoga practice!

Spirita · 11/11/2010 08:04

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Kirsty4278 · 10/11/2010 19:11

Hi again!

Thanks for all your comments! I had a word with the teacher and she was lovely. She said no twists and if there's anything we do that I am worried about to give her a nod and she'll give me a modification.

She also said that she'll have a word with her friend who is a pregnancy yoga expert - hopefully she can give me some of those poses that are good for fertility to practice too!

I'll definitely have a look at that thread too PinkFondantFancy - thank you!


OP posts:
peachsmuggler · 09/11/2010 22:15

Best to talk to the instructor. I did yoga through early pregnancy and my teacher told me which poses to avoid, as far as I can remember they were inversions and twists. As someone else has posted some instructors won't take people who are pregnant for insurance reasons so it's best to double check.

If it's difficult to get a chance to talk to her, get her phone number so you can talk to her in private.

Good luck!

Spirita · 09/11/2010 21:53

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PinkFondantFancy · 09/11/2010 21:40

Hi Kirsty, I'm in a similar situation, I'm TTC #1 and had a MC in June, and have since taken up yoga. I told my yoga teacher that I'm ttc and she has shown me some poses that are good for fertiity. She says the class is safe while ttc, and will be once I'm pregnant, but there's some poses that are important to avoid while pregnant so I have to tell her as soon as I know. What sort of yoga do you do? I do Inyenga - it's very relaxing and I think it's been very good for calming me down during this rocky journey!!

By the way, if you're ever looking for some handholding, there's some lovely ladies on this thread that are ttc after miscarriage and have been unbelievably friendly and supportive to me xx

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