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Career when TTC

9 replies

Penelope1980 · 10/08/2010 04:41

Hello! I am TTC at present(have for one month) and have to make a decision soon about whether to change teams at work. Changing would mean better career development, but staying where I am will be a much better team to be a working Mum in. I was wondering what you would do? I'm in NZ so only 14 wks maternity leave here so would be returning to work in whatever area I left, and don't want to stagnate career wise while TTC (esp if it takes ages) but am aware current boss and team would be great for flexible working later. Hmmmm.

OP posts:
fledtoscotland · 15/08/2010 22:45

I would say to stick with what you know as it sounds more flexible but at the same time you can't put your life on hold.

Am a fine one to speak: ttc #3 at the moment and going for promotion this week. at least would mean more mat pay Grin

squirrel007 · 15/08/2010 20:15

Hi penelope! I think it's such a weird thing to put my life on hold for because at the moment it feels a bit abstract. We haven't started ttc yet (will do in a couple of months) but I can't quite imagine myself being pregnant and having kids. Plus I haven't had to think too far ahead about anyone other than me, and planning for a family involves thinking not just about me, but also about hb and any future kids. Anyway, I'm hopeful that I can get some better experience in my current job before getting the bfp Smile

jellycat that sounds like a horrible work situation :( I agree that moving sounds like the best thing, and hope you can get away from your manager.

Penelope1980 · 14/08/2010 08:16

Squirrel - does sound like you're in the same position as me! I just did the same as you in terms of talking to my boss and hope it goes well and get the BFP soon.

TTC is a strange headspace, it's the first time in my life something has been this out of my control and I find it hard sometimes with all the "ifs" when you're someone who usually plans for things and as career focussed as I am.

MissJellyCat though I reckon you should change jobs - last thing you want when all those pregnancy hormones go crazy is a toxic situation at work. Not that I've been pregnant though so am guessing on that one Smile Although I have been bullied at work, and it does have a way of seeping into the rest of your life.

OP posts:
missjellycat · 11/08/2010 22:42

I'm about to start TTC with DH and hate my current job, it's high stress and I'm being bullied by my line manager. I'm quite high up in my profession and want to move somewhere as a sideways move where I can do my job without being bullied, but am loath to move jobs then get pg, seems rude and I'd not do as well as I should at work. Family is the priority, so I'm prob going to stay put at work and put up with it as long as I don't have a nervous breakdown :( actually writing this I feel a bit silly. Clearly I have to move. A lovely woman senior to me at work said the only way as a woman is to proceed with your career is to ignore whether you're planning a family or not, I should remember that. Anyhoo. Sorry for hijack, too much Malbec.

squirrel007 · 11/08/2010 08:46

I am just about to start ttc and I'm a bit bored in my current job. If it weren't for ttc I'd be trying really hard to find a new job, but I have decided that it's just going to be easier to stay in my current role for now. Also, for me, changing would lead to better career development and prospects, but I think my current job is relatively family friendly, plus has the advantage of me being established there.

So I went to my boss and said that I was keen to take on more responsibility, and get more career development within my current role. I don't know how it'll work out, but at least my boss was understanding and is on my side, though I'm aware that there is only so much I can get in the current role because of the job and the company.

I just hope this is the right decision, I'd like that crystal ball too!

Penelope1980 · 10/08/2010 21:17

Thanks so much for your advice - it's a hard one, how much to put your life on hold while TTC. I think I'll stay where I am for now but if I am still trying in a few months might revisit the situation and look for other oppurtunities within my current role. Times like this a functioning crystal ball telling the future would be good, eh?

OP posts:
MountTheFairy · 10/08/2010 10:44

I would say go for the new position. BUT I am not a mum yet, so the other two ladies are better positioned to give you advice. It's just that I have been trying for about 1.5 years, and I made a child centred decision in that time that I believe was wrong. It involved moving, but now looking back, I think I should have taken that job, which was an amazing job, and even move back by now. That sort of job would mean a lot on my CV, even if I did it for a year, and I still could have taken it more easy by now. I think that, even if you get pregnant soon, you could still have about a year in a new job to prove yourself, and could then look into other flexible opportunities. But, I do not know the inns and outs of your career, and, like I said, I am still trying AND you are bound to get pregnant tomorrow after this conversation Grin.

nannyl · 10/08/2010 09:47

i vote stay where you are

i think the flexibility will be worthits weight in gold when you become a mummy...

Cazzr · 10/08/2010 09:41

My gut would be to say stay put as a flexible job is a boon once you return to work (I had to return when DS was 4.5 months old) as a working mum. Not only that but flexibility is great when pregnant too.

Added to that, having the stability of knowing your job already will keep your stress level lower than when learning a new job.
I know what you say about worrying your career will stagnate but surely there are other things you can do that would help develop your career?

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