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When to take clomid if periods are not normal?

2 replies

confu3ed · 16/07/2010 23:00

After a miscarrige 2 erpc procedures and now 8 months ttc I have been prescribed clomid (fingers crossed)! The issue is that in the past few months I have spotting 2 days before period starts so is that day 1 or is the day I start really heavy bleeding day 1? I am confused how can I calculate dates to taje clomid or days which are goid for trying when my periods are abnormal?!!! Appreciate any help on this! B

OP posts:
confu3ed · 18/07/2010 22:08

The gyny doctor I saw was running late and I was in there 5 minutes! I have had blood tests which showed my progesterone levels were low he said it's likely that I am ovulating but that was it! I asked for clomid because of this he agreed.

I mentioned the spotting but he just said that periods can come any time fro 23 days!

Is it just me or does anyone else feel confused by their doctors and treatment?

OP posts:
AttilaTheMeerkat · 17/07/2010 08:37

Spotting between periods should be investigated further to ascertain the underlying cause. The first day is when you start having a proper red bleed i.e not spotting.

Are you under the care of a gynae; why exactly were you given clomid?. Its normally given to women when there is proof that ovulation is not happening regularly.

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