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Sylvanian families lakeside lodge half price

8 replies

LilyLoovesGuyFawkes · 06/11/2009 12:09


OP posts:
LilyLoovesGuyFawkes · 07/11/2009 11:24

I daren't start with playmobil i worry it would become an obsession!!

OP posts:
Marne · 07/11/2009 08:28

Yes i have spent far too much this year, the playmobil is more for me , Sylvanian families is a joint present for both dd's as is the go go hamsters. I always get carried away at x-mas but this year i'm trying to cut out all the little bits of rubish that i buy and they never play with, i'm happy to spend money on playmobil and sylvanians because i know if they get fed up with it i can always e-bay it and get most of my money back.

I sold a lot of dd's toys this year to fund the new ones.

I must not buy anymore (i can always put some back for dd1's birthday in Feb).

I just can't resist a bargain. I always wanted sylvanian families when i was a child but my parents could not afford to buy it so i think that's why i am buying it for the dd's.

RustyBear · 06/11/2009 22:14

Is it very sad that I am wishing I could still buy Sylvanian stuff for DD - she will be 20 in February!

LilyLoovesGuyFawkes · 06/11/2009 22:12

Marne your dd is very lucky am sure have seen you on playmobil and go go hamster threads too

OP posts:
Marne · 06/11/2009 16:54

I have bought this for dd1 for x-mas it looks like a reasonable size house, i wwill look on tesco because i'm looking for a kitchen to go in the lodge.

babster · 06/11/2009 16:53

Tesco have 3 for 2 on all toys until Monday, including lots of lovely Sylvanian stuff... but you need to be quick, lots already out of stock

LilyLoovesGuyFawkes · 06/11/2009 16:49

Didn't see the dvd even better

OP posts:
MintyCane · 06/11/2009 12:26

ooooooh you also get a free dvd and it is in my budget thanks so much

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