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What starter are you having Christmas Day ?

78 replies

howthefuckshouldiknow · 18/12/2016 12:45

DH and DCs have requested no prawn cocktail this year - what are you having this year? would love some inspiration, thanks Smile

OP posts:
DoYouRememberJustinBobby · 18/12/2016 20:47

Spiced chorizo and cauliflower soup.

Queenofthebrae · 18/12/2016 20:53

We're having scallops with prosciutto and pea purée.

Madbengalmum · 18/12/2016 20:55


Star8181 · 18/12/2016 20:58

Chorizo and sweet potato soup with crusty bread.

Lucked · 18/12/2016 21:00

Soup, we normal have it at 12.30 ish but don't sit down to Christmas lunch till 2.30-3pm.

Bearbehind · 18/12/2016 21:04

I genuinely don't understand why you'd add a starter to the biggest meal of the year anyway!

If you don't normally eat a starter, what is your train of thought?

I'd explode.

NetflixandBill · 18/12/2016 21:06

It's heinz tomato soup in our house. Every year since the 70s according to legend.

FreeButtonBee · 18/12/2016 21:07

Devilled crab on Melba toast. Will be more canapé sized and eaten on the hoof from communal platters but still nice to have something to bridge the gap if it all takes longer than expected to cook

WhoKnowsWhereTheT1meG0es · 18/12/2016 21:08

Same here Bear - the last thing I want is anything that will take the edge off my appetite before the main course. In fact in all my 40+ years I don't think I've ever had a starter at the Christmas dinner table. Even though starters are often my favourite part of a restaurant meal. I can see that it adds a special touch to the meal for those that like it though.

hugoagogo · 18/12/2016 21:11

Never have a starter if I can avoid it, certainly not at home at christmas. I am greedy, but I like meals to be eaten up fairly quickly and not stretched out all day long.

ILoveAGoodBrusselSprout · 18/12/2016 21:12

We always have two starters Blush

We start with a soup course - this year will be lentil and veg - then a small starter. I'm giving guests a choice of pate and oatcakes, prawn cocktail or melon.

Including the cheeseboard (which we often leave till Boxing Day), we'll have 5 courses plus coffee and mints.

I didn't think this was weird. Is it? I'm pretty sure it's what most people I know do Confused

Bearbehind · 18/12/2016 21:12

Completely agree whoknows

I love starters in restaurants too but I love all the extras you have with Christmas dinner more, like different stuffings, different veg etc.

I just couldn't fit a starter in.

cushioncovers · 18/12/2016 21:15

Baked cambert

GooodMythicalMorning · 18/12/2016 21:19

Pringles Grin

woodhill · 18/12/2016 21:21

We've never had starters either at my dms or ils , more work so I won't bother either.

Makemineacabsauv · 18/12/2016 21:28

Always used to do prawn cocktail but a couple of years ago changed it to a seafood platter in the centre of the table with lobster, crab, king prawns, wee prawns, lobster tails and a variety of smoked salmon (got a trio pack this year - emailed, beetroot smoked and whisky smoked) and some hot smoked salmon or rainbow trout. Marie Rose sauce and salads on the side with lemon. Dd has slices of cucumber with cheese!

TwoLeftSocks · 18/12/2016 21:29


Flumplet · 18/12/2016 21:30

Tomato soup with crusty bread for me. Prawn cocktail for everyone else 🍤

lapsedorienteerer · 18/12/2016 21:31

Never have 'starters' on Christmas Day, but do have smoked salmon canapes whilst opening presents before lunch (or whatever time that might be).

Mummyreindeerlegz · 18/12/2016 21:31

Baileys. In the kitchen alone.

Christmas Eve im making a terrible.

Mummyreindeerlegz · 18/12/2016 21:31


pklme · 18/12/2016 21:32

Bear, starter buys me time for potatoes to roast. We'll have smoked meats, antipasti etc this year. Tiny portions, with a little salad. Previous years, smoked salmon and prawns. Nothing filling.

It means we can come in after church, put the turkey to rest, put roasties in, do veg, then sit to eat.
when the starter has been eaten, the crackers pulled, the Asti popped, then the roaties are ready and we can serve lunch.

Pudding will be much later, 6/7pm.


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weaselwords · 18/12/2016 21:39

Crisps. Lots of crisps.

Bearbehind · 18/12/2016 21:48

Sorry pklme, I still don't get it- why do you need to eat to fill time while the potatoes cook?

Still, each to their own.

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 18/12/2016 21:51

No way could we fit in a starter!

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