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Anyone else not even started Christmas shopping yet?

53 replies

Dumbledoresgirl · 08/12/2015 19:11

Or am I the only one?

I don't know, I just can't get started. Over recent years, Christmas has become more and more of a chore and less and less enjoyable to the point where, this year, I genuinely don't care if it doesn't happen. Sad

I really don't know what to buy anyone, I don't have anything I want myself, or at least, don't know what there is out there to want iyswim.

Every year, it gets more and more difficult to get the kids to come up with a list and if ever I go out on a limb and buy them something they have not asked for, it is invariably a disaster. For years now, I not only have to buy things for me and dh to give, I also have to buy for the children to give each other, for my elderly parents to give to the children, even sometimes for other family members to give to the children. I wrap everything, I cook everything, I have to organise everything.

I truly don't want to do it anymore.

But I have to, for the children, right?

OP posts:
goingmadinthecountry · 09/12/2015 22:43

And tell everyone else to get a fucking grip and buy their own presents xxxxx

JimmyGreavesMoustache · 09/12/2015 22:57

I only got started today - I ventured into some Real Shops, and also placed a couple of orders with Tesco direct and Amazon this evening
I've been busy with other stuff until now. TBH I find once I've bought a couple of key bits, I am then slightly more in the mood to get my shit together and do a proper list

other than for the DC I am only doing three present types: decent booze, good quality beauty bits - eg one decent bottle of bath oil rather than a big gift set of random shite - and books, which limits the amount of shops I have to go in. People might not get the most perfect, amazing, unique present in the world from me, but that doesn't trouble me hugely TBH.

tell your relatives to get gift cards for the DC. I haven't given any of my six teenage nieces and nephews a proper present for years - just a gift card wrapped up with a slab of chocolate to make it look a bit festive.

BitOutOfPractice · 09/12/2015 23:04

Goingmad I'm not sure I would take to bring patronised, bribed and infantilised.

goingmadinthecountry · 09/12/2015 23:27

Lighten up. It just turns a boring chore into a fun day out. Don't honestly think dh has ever felt infantilised (!) by being invited out for cocktails to brighten up a day of Christmas shopping. I do, however, think he would feel patronised and bullied by being told Christmas shopping started really early on his day off. We all love to be bribed. Hey, it's Christmas! Since when was fun banned? ANY big shopping day deserves to be broken up with bubbles.

SantasLittleMonkeyButler · 09/12/2015 23:37

I've done most of the shopping, but none of the wrapping. I keep putting it off. Last year I was up until 4am Christmas morning finishing it - madness!

I used to do it "glass in hand" but accidentally spilt a full glass of sherry over everything a couple of years ago. I try to stay reasonably sober now Xmas Sad.

Only whilst wrapping, the sherry will come out afterwards Xmas Grin.

BitOutOfPractice · 10/12/2015 03:39

I'm all for cocktails and making stuff fun, trust me. But an adult shouldn't need a sweetie and a pat on the head for doing their fair share of a family task. It is infantilising. And a real indication that you think these are your tasks (wife work) and oh is doing you a favour by "helping".

goingmadinthecountry · 10/12/2015 07:15

That's not how I meant my comment to come across. I bribe myself like that too - maybe I'm lucky that everyone does their share here. Dh has pretty well always worked away so it's a different situation I guess. He always does his fair share when he's around, but after a long haul flight tomorrow will certainly need a bit of bribery to get up in the loft on Saturday morning!

I think some people are far too put upon at Christmas - it's supposed to be fun, not exhausting.

lavendersun · 10/12/2015 08:09

I thought it sounded fab going!

I am an opportunistic shopper - either that or online, I do not feel the need to go to the shops at all unless an I happen to stumble across a nice shop on the way to somewhere.

DH works away too - I have much more time at home than he does and do almost all of it, he buys for me and his mother (the only member of his family he buys for).

Suits me, I am more generous than he would be generally and my taste is better Grin, although I do get lovely presents from him. He puts a fair bit of thought into mine don't care what he gets his mother, like a first edition of a favourite book etc..

Dumbledoresgirl · 10/12/2015 09:15

Oh, don't worry about him being told to go Christmas shopping on his day off. You make it sound as though it is one precious day and I am ruining it by making him work during it.

a) he has so many days leave he has to take before Christmas or he will lose them permanently - about 6 in total, I think. So even if shopping is a chore, there will be other days off (like tomorrow for instance) when he can lie about doing nothing.

b) it was his decision originally to go Christmas shopping on this particular day - ok to appease me, but still, his decision.

c) I'm still with Bit. This is something he should be man enough to do, not something I have to bribe him to do. And no, I don't work full time. That isn't the point. Or perhaps it is. For 20 years, I have Christmas shopped for everyone, dragging pre-schoolers around (actually, I enjoyed it then when they were small enough to not notice me buying things over their heads - I got a kick out of that) and dh became used to not having to do anything. I have become increasingly disenchanted with this in recent years - and yes, dh knows it and has come shopping with me, but it is always such a drag, getting him to man up to the task.

Anyway, great news! Despite the man flu, we are off out now. I will report back what, if any, success we have later.

OP posts:
moopymoodle · 10/12/2015 09:25

Your family are taking you for granted a bit. The older kids could help you with cleaning, baking and shopping and wrapping for family.

Your DH sounds a bit like mine, expects xmas to just magically happen. I have to organise the shopping, the present wrapping etc and he does help but whinges!! He got told yesterday that I'm sick of running the show and he coped before I came along so he can start doing more now. This was also about routine housework not just Christmas. He's a good man and very helpful but I tend to feel like he's helping me rather then himself! !

Badders123 · 10/12/2015 09:34

I hate shopping.
Always have.
I order xmas and have it delivered :)
All gifts done by end of Nov.
Grocery order for xmas eve.
It's not hard.
However, I do think you stop buying on other people's behalf. If they give you money for the dc just pass that on.
For the older dc how about gift cards/vouchers.
Stop buying gifts for siblings. Give them the cAsh and let them get on with it!
I do empathise with your other feelings op....bereavements hit hard at this time of year. I am also peri menopausal and married to a man who thinks xmas just magically "happens"!
Hope today goes ok x

lavendersun · 10/12/2015 09:37

I wonder if your husband knows you are feeling slightly resentful Dumble, sorry if I have missed it but maybe he doesn't realise/thinks you are happy to do it if you have always done it?

BitOutOfPractice · 10/12/2015 11:29

Going, don't get me wrong, your day sounds perfect. The only bit I objected to was having to use those tactics to cajole a reluctant partner to come and do what they should be just getting on and doing as s matter of course without bribery, coercion or a pat on the head

Dumbledoresgirl · 10/12/2015 14:40

I regret to say LavenderSun, that he is fully aware of all my resentment. Think 'harpy' and double it. Blush I find it hard to keep a lid on my feelings at the best of times, but right now, with menopausal stuff hitting me hard, I am just horrible.

Well, today's shopping trip was not very successful. Dh really is ill and did little other than moan about the pain he was in, and could we go home now? He is actually iller than I supposed although even then, I couldn't help but say well why did you agree to come out then? I did suggest before we left doing it all online from the bed.

He was supposed to buy various electronic items as I am ignorant when it comes to that sort of thing but he ended up - and this is classic for him - saying he would buy them online or go back to the mall on Sunday. I can't do anything about that - either he buys (in his own sweet time) or the things don't get bought.

For my part, I bought a big present for ds2 (who has a big birthday just before Christmas, just to add to the burden!), a couple of things for my parents, and about 6 stocking fillers for the younger two.

So, not exactly broken the back of the task, but started at least

OP posts:
LonelySatsuma · 10/12/2015 16:18

Only started (very reluctantly) at the weekend and made a couple of online orders, which have arrived now.

I've got the afternoon off work tomorrow, so hoping to go to a big toy shop near me for their main presents, and then nip down the high street for stocking fillers. I'll buy any last minute bits next week.

And that'll be me done!

We only buy for the kids, and a couple of nieces/nephews in our family, so its pretty stress free.

I prefer December Christmas shopping. I've had years when I've been all sorted and wrapped by october and its no fun, plus you (I) end up 'twitching' severely come December and spending a fortune.

Badders123 · 10/12/2015 16:42

My fil came to see me this afternoon with the cry of "I need more ideas for the children!"
Now...I sent them an amazln wish list weeks ago at their request.
What they have done with it is anyone's guess.
So rather than do it myself I have just resent the wish list.
If they can't be bothered to do it then they will have to give them cash.
Not my circus, not my monkeys :)
I'm sorry your Dh is ill but really, unless it's dengue fever he should be able to order them online today without too much trauma?

Dumbledoresgirl · 10/12/2015 16:54

Badders, your pils sound worse than my family. My problem is they ask for a list and, in the past, I have given them what list I have and then sat for weeks waiting for them to decide what to buy, unable to buy anything off the list myself until I know what they are buying. Now, I give them one idea per child and that tends to work ok.

As for dh - this is MANFLU doncha know? He has utterly refused to engage with me looking at stuff online this afternoon, but he seems to be ok enough to watch rubbish Dave programmes. I am fuming actually.

And guess what? Like father, like son. Dh suggested one item on ds1's list would be best bought by ds1 who is supposedly an ADULT, currently at uni. I skype him to ask him to look into this and all he has done is come up with a list of excuses why he isn't the right person to ask. OK, so what are you buying your brother for his 18th? No reply!

OP posts:
Dumbledoresgirl · 10/12/2015 16:55

Ds2's list that should say.

OP posts:
Badders123 · 10/12/2015 16:56

I'd leave them too it DG.
I really would.
If they can't be bothered, fuck em! Angry
I may be feeling a bit hormonal today :)

Dumbledoresgirl · 10/12/2015 17:20

You may be feeling hormonal, but your last post isn't evidence of it. It is an entirely reasonable response imo. I am so fed up with the lot of 'em. Angry Well, dh and ds1 mainly, though ds2 is not much better.

I feel like buying a few books and nice food for me, perhaps spend a bit more money on some snuggly clothing, then booking a cosy retreat holiday for the week of Christmas.

OP posts:
Badders123 · 10/12/2015 17:57

Ooh that sounds perfect! can I come?
I have been looking after ds2 all week who has had a really nasty oral infection (gingivostomatitis) and lo and behold...I now have a nasty ulcer on the roof of my mouth :(

Dumbledoresgirl · 10/12/2015 20:24

Yes! We must run away together! Everything will seem a lot more manageable if we have a week of no responsibilities, in which to recharge our batteries.

That oral infection sounds nasty. I hope your ds is better soon. And you too, of course. Can you try gargling with something like Corsodyl in an attempt to see the ulcer off? I have never had a mouth ulcer, but my dad gets them sometimes and I know he swears by Corsodyl.

That is one advantage of having older children. They don't seem to get ill in the same way as they did when they were little. I don't know how many Decembers and Christmases in a row I had ruined by sick kiddies. Dh supposedly got his manflu from my youngest who was a bit snuffly the other day, but now seems right as rain. So what would once have resulted in coughing throughout the night for a weeks on end, is now shrugged off in a day or two unless you are dh. Wink

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Badders123 · 10/12/2015 20:28

Ds2 gets really weird stuff that no one has ever heard of.
It's most tiresome.
He is only 7 so hoping he gets a bit more robust as he gets older!
I will happily run away with you.
In fact I suggest a commune for like minded individuals where we can eat, drink and read with no distractions
Xmas Smile

Badders123 · 10/12/2015 20:29

Oh! I've got some corsodyl!
Ds1 came down with raging tonsilitis on boxing day last year.....

Dumbledoresgirl · 10/12/2015 20:54

Yep, I'm with you on the nirvana front.

Yay for Corsodyl - though it always strips the taste buds off my tongue when I use it, but perhaps that is preferable to a mouth ulcer?

When your dses get to teenage years, you will look back on these times of tonsilitis and gingivostomatitis (wtf?) with misty eyes. Or maybe not...

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