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Christmas bargain thread 15 - I need a poo holder for nespresso poos, anyone seen a bargain?

999 replies

Reastie · 03/11/2014 08:35

Thanks notso for that thread title Grin

As previously, if you shot a link in the OP links isn’t working/no longer in date, please let me know by posting in bold so I can easily see to update Thanks

If I’ve missed anything good from any last threads onto the list please let me know.

OP posts:
DaisyFlowerChain · 03/11/2014 10:43

OutThereLili, well said. Heartisaspade, feel free to boycott who you like, lots have their own personal boycotts. This is a thread for Christmas bargains and sharing, not to derail with your own boycott. What next, a bargain for nestle selection boxes followed by a tirade that we dare purchase. Adults are free to shop where they like and to make their own judgements.

heartisaspade · 03/11/2014 10:58

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

306235388 · 03/11/2014 11:05

heartisaspade I may or may not be interested in your point of view and information re amazon. However, you've somewhat sullied your reputation now for being a reasonable source of info,have you not? You can't throw a hissy fit because people done agree with you! Well, you can, it's your prerogative, but it somewhat weakens any argument your trying to convey.

OutThereLil · 03/11/2014 11:06

As charming as you seem, Iheart, I'm sure you won't be missed Wink SmileGrin

306235388 · 03/11/2014 11:06

don't you're

BeaLola · 03/11/2014 11:07


I don't consider myself ignorant but perhaps in your eyes I am . I haven't been on here much as I'm not ready with any bargains/ to start Christmas shopping. That said I look every now and again and sadly had the misfortune to see your extremely rude post. This is a christmas thread for shoppers hopefully full of cheer and goodwill. If you want to have your rant do it on a more appropriate board - there are enough of them. There is simply no need to be so rude.

Reastie · 03/11/2014 11:10

heart thanks for your opinion on the amazon thing, it's useful for people to know so they can make an informed decision as to where they'd like to buy things and maybe you've changed some people's opinions on where to shop. I don't want to dictate to people where they should or shouldn't go, so I'll leave the amazon links in the OP, hope you understand the reasoning behind this.

Spotted on zulilly this morning the story of christmas books/advent calendar I remember was recommended on here last year that I dithered over buying and in the end didn't. Have just ordered it for £7.99 plus £3.95 postage. Amazon price is £12 something so with postage ends out about the same price, but might be worth it if there was something else on the site you also wanted (I bought DD a dress up medieval princess nightie must stop buying for DD ).

OP posts:
Guitargirl · 03/11/2014 11:11

Heart - don't know if you're still reading or not. I think you're fair enough to post info on amazon if you want, everyone is free to post what they want after all and you obviously feel strongly about it. It's a bit harsh to call those who disagree with you ignorant, patronising cunts. Doesn't exactly endear anyone to your argument, anyway, you're probably not reading and I need to go an update my amazon wish list Wink.

AMillionNameChangesLater · 03/11/2014 11:14

I'm going off amazon as I've had rubbish service recently. I've amazon prime and 3 out the last 4 deliveries weren't made on time and I just got scripted responses.
Still, will be using the amazon vouchers over Christmas though, and for kindle books

Moltenpink · 03/11/2014 11:25

I feel properly festive now that someone has popped up to boycott the thread... Wasn't it around this time last year we all got called sexist for buying cars for boys or something?

I finally cracked this morning and bought some sylvanian from the flash deals. I used to love it as a child, so very excited Smile

ipswichwitch · 03/11/2014 11:25

Fwiw I think that as long as there are tax loopholes, many companies and individuals will seek to exploit them. Maybe it's time for a tightening of the tax laws. I'm no expert, but I am fairly sure that if after investigation, amazon is found to be owing tax then they will indeed be made to cough up. Order will be restored, as we can all get on with feeling festive.

Speaking of festive, I was drooling over Christmas deviations in next. Not at all bargainous, but I had to make myself a festive gingerbread latte I was feeling so Christmassy :)

ipswichwitch · 03/11/2014 11:27

Christmas decorations not deviations ffs. Stupid iPhone has lost the plot.

Waitingonasunnyday · 03/11/2014 11:27

Reported the horrible attack. It's like the first sign of Christmas, someone starting a fight on the bargain threads!

TheHouoooooondsBitch · 03/11/2014 11:33

bloody hell, it's like the great hukd deals 'thefts' of 2013 (or was 2012?). Grin

Theonlyoneiknow · 03/11/2014 11:40

I have never seen anyone be so rude before outwith the AIBU and Baby Names threads!

Back to shopping :-)

DaisyFlowerChain · 03/11/2014 11:40

What was the hukd theft? Am intrigued Grin

stealthsquiggle · 03/11/2014 11:45

If anyone has a use for a 20% off toys at ELC code, PM me.

TheHouoooooondsBitch · 03/11/2014 11:48

Somebody kept losing their shit over people post deals from hukd (and possibly there was an issue about someone linking to their facebook bargains page?) on this thread, it was completely mad! I can't remember all the details, but they just wouldn't let it go. Grin Confused
I think somebody kept getting annoyed about somebody else the acronym wrong as well - hkud or hduk or something. Although that could have been unrelated!

TheHouoooooondsBitch · 03/11/2014 11:49

*getting the acronym wrong

AFingerofFudge · 03/11/2014 11:55

Lurker on this thread but with an ELC code which have sent you stealth

Notso · 03/11/2014 11:57

Don't forget whoever it was who got their knickers in twist about everyone thanking Reastie and marking places Hmm
I think it's a bargain thread tradition to have a grinch posting.

SweetPeaPods · 03/11/2014 11:59

Anyone know of any discount codes for mamas and papas? Or where I can get a mamas and papas bouncy chair a bit cheaper? Requested gift is a little above current budget !


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stealthsquiggle · 03/11/2014 12:06

Thanks, fingeroffudge, but I was actually offering one - clearly badly worded - so that makes 2 of us that have them if anyone wants them Grin

BettyOff · 03/11/2014 12:06

My word this moves fast! I keep thinking I must nearly be done after all these bargains and then remembering that most of them weren't on my list!!! Blush

I've still not done anyone's big presents!!!

waithorse · 03/11/2014 12:08

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