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Christmas starts on...

29 replies

storminabuttercup · 15/10/2012 08:26

What date do you start getting in to the festive spirit? It used to be when the stuff went in the shops, but that gets earlier every year.

For me it's the day that greggs start selling festive bakes (usually the 6th November) then I really feel like Christmas is coming!

OP posts:
olibeansmummy · 12/11/2012 10:38

When the coca cola advert comes on. I've seen it 3 times now so it's definitely Christmas!

strugglin · 12/11/2012 19:22

Yes i definatly agree its when the cola advert comes which i saw today, ds said to me christmas has started ant it now mum

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 12/11/2012 19:38

After Hallowe'en is out the way, and Guy Fawkes night.
I can start looking for the stocking fillers and Christmas Eve Hamper fillers.

My DS birthday is the first week in December. We don't put decorations up until 10 days before Christmas. Except the Advent Tree and the Elf on a Shelf.

I'm aiming to have all the presents bought by the end November. DH and I have a DC free shopping day booked Grin

bedmonster · 13/11/2012 10:55

Xmas tree doesn't go up til the weekend before Xmas, maximum of 2 before the big day itself depending on when it falls. It's a real tree and I get so fed up of the relentless hoovering underneath it, and just the overwhelming mass of crap that seems to come with Xmas. We don't have a lot, mainly because I hate clutter and tat in the house, but I love that week when we do have the decs up. They come down the day after boxing day too as we always go away for new year.

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