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How long will holly keep for?

6 replies

Kendodd · 10/12/2011 13:43

I want to start decorating my house with holly and other Christmassy greenery. They won't be in water, they will be going up the stairs and under the mantelpiece. If I do it now, how long with they stay looking good for?

OP posts:
Kendodd · 11/12/2011 11:39

That's a good idea, I might put a bit of glitter on it.

OP posts:
BoysBoysBoysAndMe · 11/12/2011 10:54

Two weeks was about right for mine. Could glue a little glitter on the edges to hide the drying out bits?

LordOfTheFlies · 11/12/2011 09:48

I've had my Holly for over 9 years and hopefully alot longer.

(It's the Holly I gave birth to. Xmas Grin )

ReshapeWhileDamp · 11/12/2011 09:28

Mine managed a good two weeks before going darker and crispy, but still looked ok at a distance. Grin If it's berried, maybe they'll wrinkle or drop off earlier. Don't stick it over the radiator and you might be ok. How long after Christmas do you want it up? I'm not decorating with greenery (incl the tree) until next weekend, because we leave the decorations up until DH's birthday in early January, and I don't want it looking too sad and dried up.

Ivy keeps going nicely too - goes crisp and dry but still looks more or less ok.

Kendodd · 11/12/2011 09:23

Thanks, maybe I'll leave it until next weekend.

OP posts:
girlywhirly · 10/12/2011 16:49

It will start to dry out after a week if not in water. It depends also on how hot your home is. You could decorate and replace with fresh stuff nearer to Christmas.

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