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present ideas for 10 year old girl

8 replies

redrosette · 29/11/2011 22:28

help! totally stuck as to what to get my 10 year old niece. Even her parents dont know as she 'has everything'.

I did suggest a voucher to my DH but he reckons its too impersonal.

I know she likes moshi monsters but I think she has everything related to that brand already.


OP posts:
Daftapath · 30/11/2011 09:14

Makeup, nail varnish or anything from Paperchase! Grin

CaipirinhasAllRound · 30/11/2011 08:37

What about the David Walliams books?
My niece likes cooking and last year we got her a mixing bowl, big spoon and cup cake cases, all in bright pink

Yourefired · 30/11/2011 00:54

I have a 10 year old girl. Yes to the ATM money box mentioned above, she got this for her birthday and loved it. The other things I've got her for Christmas are a grow-up toilet bag for sleep-overs, pyjamas with owls on them (owls are apparently big), a set of thank you cards (one does ones best), and a lush box (about £10). The other thing that she really liked last present giving was a design a bear (Argos). It's a funny age, they want both cuddly toys and make-up: I try to steer the middle course.

twolittledarlings · 30/11/2011 00:41

Other things I got for my dd who will be 10 on Xmas eve are

Mystyle Deluxe Charm Bracelet kit
Mystlye Gorgeous Girly Card kit
Mystyle Clay Beads kit
Harry Potter knightbus
Harry Potter Castle and Harry Lego book
Mr Gum collection books - bookpeople
These books have got 3 from this set and also extra 2 others - friendhip and glamour

Klutz friendship bracelet book, fancy friendship bracelet book, wicked cool friendship bracelet book,

Tobar friendship bracelet kit

Electronic Bookmark by If - you can get this in John Lewis £ 20 or an Ebay bookshop for around £16. Really slim like a bookmark but with batteries in to check words so can be kept in a book - have got 8 of these for my nieces, my godson, my 2 daughters and another friends daughter as think they are really good.

ATM moneybox from Argos - like a moneybox but with a card just like an adult ATM

Hello Kitty Drinks from Argos - hopefully encourage them to drink more. Will be keep in their room

Hope some of these ideas are useful

pengymum · 30/11/2011 00:41

what about tickets for a show/panto or membership to somewhere like the Wetlands Centre or activity day?
Or adopt an animal with world wildlife fund - get a cuddly toy and info about the endangered animal being adopted.
or magazine subscription - kids national geographic is great.

twolittledarlings · 30/11/2011 00:27

what about the Moshi Monster DS game. My dd10 has asked for that tool also, you could get her the starter binder folder for moshi monsters and loads of trading cards. I got 36 packs from amazon for both of my too. That will keep them busy. It;s about £22 for the cards and around £6 each for the binders. The binders came from an eEbay toyshop.

redrosette · 29/11/2011 22:51

thanks, think she has all the jacqueline wilson books already but DS game a good idea

OP posts:
crypes · 29/11/2011 22:30

Jacqueline Wilson latest book, or Ds games go down well

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