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Best playmobil or lego set/offer

19 replies

MilkNoSugarPlease · 07/11/2010 21:31

Want to get Lego or playmobil for 6yo

Would like something nice not just the tub of Lego bricks iygwim :o

Would like to spend £10 but will go to £15


MNHQ Update
We appreciate this thread is a little old now, but if you’ve come across it while on the hunt for similar recommendations, our guide to the best LEGO sets has been recently updated to reflect current availability and new releases. It’s been compiled based on advice from Mumsnet users as well as consumer reviews and includes a huge range of LEGO, from starter sets to Star Wars and LEGO Technic. We hope it’s helpful! Flowers

OP posts:
goodmanners · 13/11/2010 11:16

Im off to double up my tesco vouchers as as much as i love a bargain i dont need 3 sets of lego (dd just wants the huge feck off expensive police stn).

MilkNoSugarPlease · 13/11/2010 11:15

Ooh thank you sunshine :)

OP posts:
SunshineOnLee · 13/11/2010 08:30

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

MilkNoSugarPlease · 12/11/2010 23:50

whoops Blush forgot I started this!

thank you all! am off to toys r us tomorrow!


OP posts:
goodmanners · 12/11/2010 10:46

oh no i see it now hmmm now can i be bothered to buy 3 massove firesets and sell tuther 2 on ebay mmmm

goodmanners · 12/11/2010 10:35

online i can only see 3 for 2 on lego games, do i need to go instore?? i hate trus lol!

accessorizequeen · 12/11/2010 10:30

Was it that bestlock stuff? Ds got v.frustrated with it, it was a gift but I wouldn't buy anymore.

sillytart · 12/11/2010 10:29

The Lego Camper Van is currently £10.90 on Amazon.

weblette · 12/11/2010 10:24

Toys R Us has a three for two Lego offer on and loads of stuff reduced.

goodmanners · 12/11/2010 10:02

I actually bought some fake lego then ran a thread on it and it got totally slated as being utter rubish so am taking it back to buy the real deal, was quite disspaointed tbh.

accessorizequeen · 11/11/2010 22:28

Sainbos still have half price toy deal don't they? Depends on the store of course. Tesco vouchers work out really well, yes you can trade £5 voucher for £10 to spend on toys. Keep an eye on Amazon if there is something you like too. FWIW I think the Brickmaster lego sets are v.v.good (we got Castle one for 6yo ds and it's been much played with) and come under £15. Lots of play options and they do several different ones. Amazon went down to £12.50 last week I think, keep checking.

You're not going to get much playmobil for your money I'm afraid unless you want to go ebay.

fruitful · 11/11/2010 22:22
goodmanners · 11/11/2010 18:17

Bumping also for amazing deals, dd has announced she wants the police stn or fire stn - not likely at £60 fecking quids - mind you i have just got £11.5 of tesco vouchers and im lead to beleive somehow i can double them

GeeWhizz · 09/11/2010 11:13

Noticed that Toysrus are a few pounds cheaper than The Entertainer.

We bought the lego camper van for £14.99 which they have played with a lot. The sides swing out once it has been made so you can play inside.


MilkNoSugarPlease · 09/11/2010 11:06


OP posts:
MilkNoSugarPlease · 09/11/2010 00:24

Bump for any amaazing offers people have seen :o

OP posts:
MilkNoSugarPlease · 08/11/2010 07:01

Can't be arsed with eBay anymore :o thank you though :)

Hello buddy! Ooh! I.forgot meccano even existed! Thank you! (By the by.....the Starbucks habit is back :o )

OP posts:
ChristmasTrulyReigns · 08/11/2010 00:00

Not quite what you requested MyFriend, but these are fab.

4plus1 · 07/11/2010 23:25

You could try ebay as lego usually stays in good condition and you would get more for your money

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