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Children's health

Bee or wasp stings on toddlers

4 replies

berri · 15/06/2010 11:22

I always thought you put bicarb/water paste on a bee sting, and vinegar on a wasp sting, but apparently these are old wives tales?

I just want to be prepared as we've got lots of bees and wasps around our garden at the moment, has anyone got any advice?

OP posts:
beammeupscotty · 15/06/2010 22:29

Wasp eze is brilliant, used this on dd immediately after sting and reaction/pain was minimal

berri · 15/06/2010 20:11

Thanks both of you, will grab a couple of creams to keep in the cupboard.

OP posts:
DaftApeth · 15/06/2010 13:40

Wasp-eze. I think it has local anaesthetic to help with the pain - and they can be very painful.

I have also used hydro-cortisone cream, which helped too.

SparkleRainbow · 15/06/2010 13:33

With a bee sting the most important thing to do is to scratch the "poison sac" out as soon as possible. When a bee stings a mammal it rips off part of the abdomen and leaves the pointy stingy bit (can't remember the proper name) in, This will continue to pulse/pump venom into the skin, so scratch, don't pull, it out. After that we use Anthisan cream for our dc, but I don't know at what age it becomes ok to use. Hope that helps a bit.

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