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Children's health

Reassurance needed! (19 month old, congested, reduced fluid intake)

8 replies

glasgowlass · 14/06/2010 12:43

Hi all,

I could do with some wisdom from the wonder that is MN.

DS(19months) and myself are completely loaded with the cold.

Yesterday lunchtime he was eating and drinking fine, by tea time it was a struggle to get him to eat a thing and he only took 2oz full fat milk. He seemed to be struggling to breathe through his nose and was stopping drinking after a few seconds or so.
He only drank 1oz milk before bed.

Tried karvol vaporiser, snuffle rub, nasal aspirator to help clear his nose to no avail. He is very snuffly and his nose seems to be running constantly alternating with being seriously bunged up.

This morning he took his breakfast ok and 2oz milk, lunchtime I mixed his food with some follow on milk and he ate that but again struggled with the milk, taking 3oz in total. I even tried spoon feeding him fluids and reverting back from sippy cup to bottle but he is having none of it.

He wont take an ice lolly or even ice cream.

I am worried about dehydration, DP says "he is fine" but I am a natural worrier(still have bad PND and feel like I am a failure as a mother most days, tahts a whole other thread though!).

I always leave water in his sippy cup and he has taken prob about 2-3 oz today so far.

So, when should I realistically worry about dehydration? over 24 hours he has drank in total, around 11oz fluid! His nappies are still wet though obviously not as wet as normal.

Is there anything anyone can think of that I can do?

I am desperate and hate to see him like this and to be honest keep bursting into tears because I feel so awful myself (had 2 hours sleep last night)

TIA for any advice offered, I really do appreciate your time and help.

OP posts:
glasgowlass · 14/06/2010 16:28

Thanks makeupmummy will get some from pharmacy.

Have just fed him, poor wee soul had to have food almost pureed, he would just spit the lumps out(had spag bol). I think its because he had to close his mouth to chew and because his nose is so blocked he was panicing a bit.

All in all took 4oz milk(gave him follow on milk instead of FF cows milk), 2oz in food and 2oz drank. Took a fruit pot and fromage frais too.

I even tried him with a fruit shoot earlier, not interested! he only gets them very rarely so its usually a treat he guzzles down. will keep an eye on him tonight.

Thanks again to both for your help, was feeling very low earlier.

OP posts:
makeupmummy · 14/06/2010 15:59

O, and forgot (how could I?!) that my ds looooved Dioralyte when given it when had tummy bug - knocked it back goodstyle, may be worth try

glasgowlass · 14/06/2010 13:51

Thank you makeupmummy, hopefully he will pick up soon, just hate to see him ill!

He is awake now so gonna try an ice lolly and sippy cup of water again.

Thank to both for your advice, really do appreciate your time.

OP posts:
makeupmummy · 14/06/2010 13:45

hello, your situation sounds similar to mine, tho my niece came when toddler,ds is 2. Off the point, i know,sorry! Hate it when they ill, and you right worry re dehydrtaion - doc told me look sunken eyes, dry mouth as well as nappies, and general lethargy.just keep tempting him with fluids - my wee one sometimes has ice pops when nothing else will do!!And don't hesitate get doc if you worried - that's what they paid for!! Hope he gets well soon

glasgowlass · 14/06/2010 13:38

Yeah he is my first, 8 long years of TTC to have him!
I do have guardianship of my niece but that happened when she was 9 so didnt really have the "baby" worries, only have the OMG she is growing up so fast worries!

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PixieOnaLeaf · 14/06/2010 13:32

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glasgowlass · 14/06/2010 13:29

Thanks for the reply pixie

Have phoned GP, first available appt is on thur so have provisionally booked that and asked for HV to call me tomorrow when he does his clinic at our surgery.

Wee fella is asleep just now, he is exhausted. When he is awake he is his usual boisterous self though so I know that is a very good sign.

I will gauge how he is this afternoon/evening at meal time and if he is still off his food and fluids then will try to get OOH appt.

His nappies are wet and not strong smelling so I think he is ok for now but worry that due to his reduced intake then that will take its toll eventually.

Its silly, I am a qualified nurse and know what to do/look out for but when its your own child, OMG its so hard!

DP is working late tonight so its just us and I really needed some reassurance so for that I cannot thank you enough.

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PixieOnaLeaf · 14/06/2010 13:11

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