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Children's health

Does this sound like thrush and what else can I do?

5 replies

JackBauer · 15/04/2010 19:14

DD1 is 4.2 and has been needing the loo a lot more frequently for a few weeks now. At first I assumed it was a UTI (she has a history of them, had scans to rule out any physical cause though) and we were waiting for urine results when I saw what appeared to be blood leaking onto her knickers from where she had leaked a bit of urine. The docs gave AB's and she took them for the course. It didn't clear up and the tests were clear so I went back as was given Canesten as 'it sounded like thrush'
DD1 has a huge fear of doctors and went into hysterics when the doc asked to look at her bum so no swab was done.
Have been using cream for about 3-4 days now and no improvement, it seems to be worse, she now says her stomach hurts and she is waking all night with her bottom hurting. it is bright red and looks very sore.
Any ideas? Advice?

OP posts:
JackBauer · 17/04/2010 16:38

It wasn't blood on her though, it was pink tinged urine leaked onto ehr knickers. The canesten seems to be working, much less red, but now she has a sore throat and cough

OP posts:
dayday · 16/04/2010 23:05

Hope she gets well soon. Sometimes they get blood on their tissue because they have scratched so hard down below.

JackBauer · 16/04/2010 07:06

Thanks guys, it's round her vagina, her vulva are completely red and sore looking but her bum seems to be okay.
What I am copnfused about is that she had blood in her urine and a clear urine test before they prescribed thrush, so if the AB's caused the thrush, what caused the blood? Can a urine test come clear even if there is a UTI?

We have come to a deal, I will put the canesten on 3 times a day until monday and if it is still sore we are going to the docs. Poor girl, she is terrified of them

OP posts:
alypaly · 16/04/2010 00:57

do you mean it is round her bum or her vagina.

Antibiotics can knock out the good bugs in the gut aswell as the vaginal area and give them thrush in the bowel. is it red in a circle round her back passage..almost like a scald.

dayday · 16/04/2010 00:00

Canesten does help but a swab will let you know if it is an infection or not. My GP just prescribed the antibiotics without the swab and it worked.

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