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Children's health

3 week old baby with oral thrush - gp wont give medicine till 4 weeks!

10 replies

mummytopebs · 11/02/2010 20:52

My dd is 3 weeks old and has oral thrush, the poor little thing just wants milk or water constantly to relieve her tongue, she cant suck her dummy cos its so sore. Took her to the gp today who said she has got it bad but cant give her the medication till she is 4 weeks. Does anyone have any suggestions on how i can relieve it for her? Or has anyones baby had medication under 4 weeks?

OP posts:
DawnAS · 16/02/2010 16:38

Don't wait!! Call you surgery for a second opinion. My DD had it for 12 weeks because the GP didn't believe me and it played havoc with her eating habits and was the worst case they'd seen!

Try and get Daktarin gel as that's the only thing that cleared it in my DD. Good luck!

PureAsTheColdDrivenSnow · 12/02/2010 12:23

Please ring your MW - it is likely that she's discharged you, but she may be able to offer some further advice?

mummytopebs · 12/02/2010 12:09

Have spoke to the health visitor this morning and she said new guidelines say they are not allowed to give it to under 4 weeks so guess will just have to grin and bear it till Wednesday when she is 4 weeks!!!

OP posts:
psychomum5 · 12/02/2010 11:06

I have had it too for my babies, DD2 was just 1wk when she (and I) suffered thrush, and then I got mastitis as she was feeding so badly.

It might not be recommended for under 1mth, but normally things like that are for reasons such as it being unethical to test such medications on neonates (and the same for pregnant women, hence why many meds carry such warnings).

I think you should either go back, or get in touch with your HV, as it will only get worse and you will both have a miserable weekend.

PureAsTheColdDrivenSnow · 12/02/2010 10:43

My MW prescribed treatment for both of us when DS was just a week old - i was in agony from nipple thrush, had no issue picking it up.
Have you been discharged by the MW yet, or could you speak to her about this?

spenthen · 12/02/2010 10:39

My DS was prescribed Nystatin (or something like that) for oral thrush at about a week old. HV arranged the prescription I think, there was no problem collecting it at pharmacy.

Didn't know it wasn't licensed.... Mind you it didn't do him any good as he didn't actually have oral thrush (furry tongue due to constant reflux)!

Hope you get some joy soon.

theyoungvisiter · 11/02/2010 21:22

actually I've done some googling and it looks like it is not licensed for prescription to babies under 1 month. But most doctors seem to do it anyway.

If you think she's suffering I'd either kick up a fuss or go and see another doctor - you may well find they are prepared to prescribe off-license.

Certainly DS2 was losing weight with his thrush - there was no way in hell I would have put up with him being unable to feed effectively for two weeks.

theyoungvisiter · 11/02/2010 21:07

I think that's rubbish! DS had Nyastan prescribed at two weeks.

If it's got bad you NEED medication, otherwise it will affect her feeding and it's likely to spread to you.

Are you sure the doctor hasn't got confused with the recommendation not to prescribe Daktarin gel until 4 months?

mummytopebs · 11/02/2010 21:07

Iknow its pathetic she is 4 weeks in 6 days. She said it wasent licensed for babies under 4 weeks

OP posts:
MyNewPans · 11/02/2010 21:00

I don't get why he is making her wait, I have had younger babies prescribed drops for oral thrush?

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