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Children's health

Leaking urine - ds (8) Anyone's ds had this?

4 replies

BendyBob · 24/12/2009 11:16

Ds 8. I'd really appreciate any thoughts on this.

He's never had any problems with wetting before. Got the hang of all that really quickly as a toddler etc. No sign of urine infection. Says he feels fine.

And yet lately I've noticed his underwear often seems a bit damp. He says he's not been hanging on until he's bursting to go (he's a sensible little chap and I do believe him) he says he's noticed he 'leaks' a bit even if he doesn't feel like he needs to go.

Everything is fine in his life; no stresses or worries. He's happy and outgoing no problems at school.

I'm playing it down as I don't want to worry him and make it worse. He clearly has no idea when this is happening.

He seems as mystified as me. Any ideas? I'm not too au fait with boys plumbing and dh is no help.

OP posts:
BendyBob · 24/12/2009 12:14

Have phoned docs and will speak to a nurse this afternoon. Christmas Eve though! My dc have a talent for requiring medical attention on the most awkward days

Thanks again hoho - mn is invaluable for good advice.

OP posts:
hohoholepew · 24/12/2009 12:06

Last time I spoke to the Dr on the phone and got ABs without her testing DDs urine, I didn't realise that you could have infections without pain either .
Hope it's sorted soon.

BendyBob · 24/12/2009 12:03

Thanks so much for your reply hoho.

So it's possible to have an infection but no symptoms? I hadn't considered that. (I always think of my own experience of urine infections and being in terrible pain)

I'm going to get him to the doctor asap I think and get this checked out.

OP posts:
hohoholepew · 24/12/2009 11:35

He probably has an infection, phone the DR. My DD was leaking with no pains or being unwell and the DR left ABs out and I put a sample in after she'd finished them.

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