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Children's health

Chesty cough, unhappy baby

9 replies

StealthPolarBear · 15/12/2009 15:20

DD is 13wks and has had a cough foir a few days, got worse over the lsat 24 hours. Also got a blockred nose, no temperature.
she's so unhappy, is there anything i can do/ give her? just crying all the time, not like her at all

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displayuntiltwelfthnight · 16/12/2009 23:59

in the morning, run a nice warm bath and have her in the bathroom with you while you run it so she can benefit from the steam. Give her a nice bath and the steam will hopefully do its magic and help shift some of the blocked nose and mucus on chest

PurpleCrazyHorse · 16/12/2009 23:57

Our DD (3.5 months) is also congested plus a little cough. Calpol is fab and I'm putting Karvol drops on her grobag. Also got Nasosal nasal drops which DD hates but seem to be quite good. I woke up every couple of hours last night to re-apply the Karvol and she seems okay.

You can get foam wedges to put in cots so maybe these might work to go under the sheet in your bed??

StealthPolarBear · 15/12/2009 18:35

i did think of raising her head but she shares a bed with me (in theory she sleeps in her basket!), any ideas? obv i can't put anything under her head, not sure i can raise the entire bed!!
Sorry to hear about all the other ill babies on this thread Definitely the season for coughs and sneezes!

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rosiefean · 15/12/2009 18:23

My DS has a cold at the mo as well. He was fighting his way through it, but then got the cough and now he's really miserable .

In addition to the above, raise her cot/moses basket so her head is slightly raised - it helps the mucus flow down the throat rather than blocking (and therefore waking) up. Warm baths might help ease mucus and make her feel better. My boy likes them anyway so I've just made them slightly warmer than usual, to get stuff flowing.

Other than that, we just need to wait it out... [twiddles thumbs]

Indith · 15/12/2009 18:02

Oh the poor girl. It is horrible with a cough as there is nothing you can do Mine are both ill at the moment too and doing a very good impression of a couple of consumptive vagrants. Hope it improves soon. Def go for the karvol, snuffle babe etc for the nose though it is wonderful stuff.

StealthPolarBear · 15/12/2009 17:53

Thanks for replying. Saline drops didn't seem to help - what exactly is meant to happen, are they meant to make her sneeze?
Forgot now she's 3 months I can use stuff like karvol, will give that a go, thanks!
Really the cough that's bothering her most I am also thinking doctor in a day or 2 if no better - will have to cancel her 12wk jabs tomorrow

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chocolaterabbit · 15/12/2009 16:50

Have saline drops made any difference? My DS has the same cold and they seem to be helping. Also, Calpol do an inhaler sort of nightlight which can be used from 3 months which I found brilliant with DD, it really helped when I used that and a bit of baby vapour rub on her chest. Karvol capsules are good as well.

Otherwise, I think it is horrible but one that just has to run its course (helped by Calpol and Calprofen). Having said that, I'm going to take DS to the Dr next week if no better.

StealthPolarBear · 15/12/2009 16:39

can anyone help? She is just crying if she's awake at the moment

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StealthPolarBear · 15/12/2009 16:02


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