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Children's health

Tmi but pink/white phlegm??

6 replies

pucca · 14/12/2009 12:48

Any ideas? ds (3yo) has been vomiting since Sat morn, he had chest infection 3 weeks ago, and is now bringing up white and pink phlegm...have rang GP but he won't come out says its a viral thing.


OP posts:
MrsBadger · 14/12/2009 13:14

I would book an appt with another GP at the practice and bundle ds up in the pushchair (even if he usually walks) - you can always cancel if he perks up before then.

pucca · 14/12/2009 13:06

Thanks Mrsbadger, yes he did finish the course reluctantly his temp is up a little but nothing major.

My GP is pretty rubbish in all honesty! i need to change, but ds is very off, pale and weak so i didn't want to take him out really.

OP posts:
MrsBadger · 14/12/2009 13:04

ah I see

it may just be the sheer amount of snot/phlegm from the cough he is swallowing is making him sick

tbh pink is usually not too worrying as it often just means they have popped a capillary in their throat with coughing so much - like a nosebleed but further back, iyswim. Lots of bright red or black/brown blood is more serious.

did he finish the antibiotics from the chest infection?
has he a temp?

can you not get him to the GP if the GP won't come out?

pucca · 14/12/2009 12:58

He also vomits when coughing though i should add.

OP posts:
pucca · 14/12/2009 12:57

When he vomits, but there is lumps of phlegmy stuff in it, all he has been having is watery orange juice. He still has terrible cough from chest inf, but this is vomiting, he is vomiting fluids back within 10 mins.

He hasn't eaten anything since Friday night.

OP posts:
MrsBadger · 14/12/2009 12:55

hang on, is he bringing up pink and white stuff when he vomits or when he coughs?

what has he been eating/drinking if anything?

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