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Children's health

OMG worms helppp!!

3 replies

fernie3 · 07/12/2009 21:57

Ok before I start I should point out I have a real phobia of worms - as in crossing the road to avoid walkign past one, panic attacks etc etc

My daughter has been ill today with a temp and being sick all the symptoms of a UTI (which she has reccurent infections and is already seeing a consultant for)

she has gone to the toilet and said she is sore and so I had a look and saw little white things about 3 around her bottom I swear I saw one move but I couldnt tell if it was just some toilet roll (she had just wiped). My husband had a close look and her though it was nothing but I swear it moved.

does this sounds like it could be worms? I looked up pinworm and it does sound a little like this but I dont know? there is nothing there now. anyone have any experience with this? no one else has anything (yes I have had everyones pants down checking)

OP posts:
fernie3 · 07/12/2009 22:57

ok its def worms looked again. Just had a mega panic attack and handed over control of the situation to husband!

OP posts:
ReneRusso · 07/12/2009 22:08

Yes it definitely sounds like worms. Don't worry, it's easy to treat. If you're not sure, then have another look - agree with shopalot: they are easiest to spot at night with a torch. You can treat it with Ovex which is over the counter. Best if everyone in the family takes it. Wash the sheets and keep her fingernails short. And get her to wear knickers and pj bottoms in bed so she can't scratch her bum.

shopalot · 07/12/2009 22:03

They really itch. My ds was crying with it, but only at night. You need to get some stuff from the chemist and treat everyone in the family as not everyone has any symptoms.

From what you say it may be worms. We had a look at bottom with a torch when ds was asleep as the worms come to the outside to lay their eggs at night.

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