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Children's health

Winter flu jab - 'booster'?

9 replies

PrettyCandles · 17/10/2009 23:47

Dh took 6yo dd for her seasonal flu (ie not swine flu) jab today. She's never had it before, and was called, I presume, because she takes an asthma inhaler.

He was told that because she has never had a flu jab before she will need a booster in a month or so.

We're both puzzled about this. Seasonal flu is a new formulation every year, made specifically for that year's virus mutation, so surely it's new for everyone who gets it?

He forgot to take her red book along, so we have no record of what she was given.

I shall call the GP on Monday to try and find out a bit more, but does this make sense to anyone?

OP posts:
PrettyCandles · 18/10/2009 22:33

I see. Thanks!

OP posts:
Sidge · 18/10/2009 22:30

The half dose is for 6m-3 yr olds, then between 3 and 13 they get 2 full doses. Over 13 you just get a single full dose regardless of whether you've had a flu jab before.

bellavita · 18/10/2009 22:24

PrettyCandles, DS1(12) had a flu jab on Saturday for the very first time. He is also asthmatic, but we did not know (and were never told) that he was eligible to have it before. The nurse said as it was his first time, he could only have half dose and we need to go back in a months time for the rest.

saggarmakersbottomknocker · 18/10/2009 22:19

She should be having two full doses PC.

PrettyCandles · 18/10/2009 22:17

But dd is over 3 - so why would she get the lower dose in two parts?

OP posts:
saggarmakersbottomknocker · 18/10/2009 22:16

The first time seasonal flu jab is given young children should get two doses. It's quite usual and is to provide a better immune response.

IIRC it's two half doses if you're under 3 and two two full doses if over 3 but under 9 the first time you have it. Over 9 (I think) is one shot in the first and subsequent years.

Sidge · 18/10/2009 22:14

Yes they are supposed to get 2 doses the first time. The dose they receive (ie full or half dose) depends on age - 3 and over get a full dose.

Seasonal flu jab is essentially the same base formula, they just tweak it each year depending on the predicted strain.

mumto3boys · 18/10/2009 21:45

When they give it to them the first time I think they give them two half doses, rather than the full one. I'm not sure why but they did it with my boys. From next year she'll just have the one.

Morocco, the jabs are different every year as the type of flu that is around changes, so I think that although last year's jab will still work, the flu s that are around are likely to be different.

morocco · 17/10/2009 23:49

ds didn't have a booster. it is supposed to last for longer than a year though so you get cumulative protection from getting the flu shot every year (or so we were told - maybe this will also turn out not to be true? )

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