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Children's health

Blister advice please! (Thumb sucking)

2 replies

MaggieMuggins · 20/09/2009 09:25

DD is 11 months and sucks her thumb. Since she got teeth it started going a bit red and raw and now she now has a very large greenish blister on it. DH seems to think we should go down the sterilised needle route...please can anyone recommend anything less scary??

OP posts:
MaggieMuggins · 21/09/2009 15:57

Thanks LIZS. Since I posted the above it popped and all the pus came out :sick face: so we bunged some Savlon and a plaster on it and popped a mitten on at nap time so she wouldn't suck it...and when she woke up the mitten was off and the plaster vanished...we're on nappy-watch

OP posts:
LIZS · 20/09/2009 10:39

dd had this at the same age - she bit it and it got infected Paed advised we plastered it up until it healed .

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